Category: Applications sobriety

What is the environmental impact of local AI on our smartphones?

Reading Time: 7 minutes


Imagine a virtual assistant capable of writing an e-mail, translating a text or solving a complex equation, directly from your phone, without ever sending your data over the Internet. That’s the promise of local AIs like Apple Intelligence, Gemini Nano or Galaxy AI. These models offer undeniable advantages in terms of latency and privacy, but at what price?

Running these algorithms directly on your device requires considerable hardware resources and energy consumption. This computational intensity impacts not only your battery life, but also the lifespan of existing smartphones. So should we be worried about the rise of local AI, even more so than server-based AI?

This article focuses on the energy impact of local AI on our smartphones for a specific use case. It will be followed by complementary analyses of other uses, such as text generation or audio and image processing (object detection, image segmentation, voice recognition…).

With the help of Greenspector Studio, we were able to measure the time and energy used to respond to us for different language models, both local and remote, in order to gauge the impact of this technological forcing1 on our batteries.


Measurement context

  •     Samsung Galaxy S10, Android 12  
  •     Network: off for local model / Wi-Fi for ChatGPT and Gemini  
  •     Brightness: 50 %  
  •     Tests run over a minimum of 5 iterations to ensure reliability of results
  •     App package local IA: us.valkon.privateai
    • Context size: 4096 tokens 
    • Framework : Llama.cpp 
    • Hardware preference: CPU 
  •     App package ChatGPT : com.openai.chatgpt 
  •     App package Gemini :

Models tested locally (via privateAI) :

For each test, a new conversation was initiated, and then 5 questions (called prompts) were asked of the model:

  1. You’re an expert in digital eco-design. All your answers will be 300 characters long. What are the three fundamental principles for optimizing performance data consumption and energy in Android applications? 
  2. Develop the first principle 
  3. Develop the second principle 
  4. Develop the third principle 
  5. Conclude our exchange 

Response time

One of the determining factors for the user experience is response time. In addition to this, our smartphone won’t be able to go into standby mode, and therefore save energy, while the response is being generated. We were able to measure this response generation time, from the moment the prompt is sent, to the last character of the response. Here are the results for the three models studied:

Local models:

ModelsNumber of model parametersAverage response time (s)Total response time (s)
Llama 3.2 1,24 billion25,9129,5
Gemma 2 2,61 billions37,9189,5
Qwen 2.5 7,62 billions54,2271
Performance Comparison of Local AI Models: Parameters, Average Response Time and Total Response Time

These data highlight a clear trend: the more parameters a model contains, the longer it takes to generate a response. For example, the Llama 3.2 model, with its 1.24 billion parameters, delivers an average response in 25.9 seconds. Qwen 2.5, on the other hand, is much more voluminous, with 7.62 billion parameters, and has an average response time of 54.2 seconds – more than twice as long.

Remote models

While local AI models offer significant advantages, particularly in terms of privacy protection, their speed is far less impressive when compared with models deployed on remote servers:

ModelsAverage response time (s)Total response time (s)
Gemini 4,9724,85
ChatGPT 5,929,5
Performance Comparison of Distant AI Models: Average Response Time and Total Response Time

The results show a clear superiority of remote models in terms of speed. For example, ChatGPT, hosted on optimized servers, delivers an average response time of just 5.9 seconds, more than four times faster than Llama 3.2, the fastest local model tested. Gemini, with an average response time of 4.97 seconds, confirms this trend.

This difference is not limited to response time. In addition to placing longer demands on our devices, and thus delaying the return to standby, the local execution of AI models also impacts the energy consumption of devices. These response times suggest that response generation places the terminal under an intense workload, and therefore a high battery drain. To better understand this impact, we measured the rate of battery discharge during model response.

Battery discharge speed

For reference, a Samsung Galaxy S10, with brightness at 50%, without wifi and with a black background displayed on the screen, consumes around 36 µAh/s. We have measured other use cases to obtain equivalents. The Galaxy S10 is equipped with a 3,400 mAh battery.

Average discharge speed over 30 s (µAh/s)
Open Private AI application, no interaction70
Open Gemini application, no interaction75
Watching a YouTube video without sound (Rave Crab)88
Open ChatGPT application, no interaction92
Light game (Subway Surfers)105
Video recording233
Heavy game (3DMARK Wild Life benchmark)427
Battery discharge on a Samsung Galaxy S10: Comparison according to use
Graph of Galaxy S10 discharge speeds according to use: the most consuming uses are video recording and heavy gaming.

Battery discharge on a Samsung Galaxy S10: Comparison according to use

Here we can see that the ChatGPT application consumes slightly more than the other AI applications, and even more than YouTube. The most consuming uses are video recording and our 3DMARK Wild Life benchmark, which reflects mobile games based on short periods of intense activity, with a resolution of 2560×1440.

Local models

Running AI models directly on a smartphone is not just a question of speed, it also raises questions about energy consumption. Tests show that local models consume a significant amount of energy, directly influencing the autonomy of devices, and indirectly their lifespan. Here are the results observed during answer generation:

ModelsAverage observed discharge rate (µAh/s)Battery discharge (mAh)Total response time (s)
Llama 3.2 53569,3129,5
Gemma 2 52299189,5
Qwen 2.5 435118,1271
Performance Comparison of Local AI Models: Battery Discharge Rate, Battery Discharge and Total Response Time

These figures reveal an interesting trend: although the Qwen 2.5 model is the most demanding in terms of number of parameters (7.62 billion), it has a lower average discharge rate (435 µAh/s) than the Llama 3.2 (535 µAh/s) and Gemma 2 (522 µAh/s) models. However, its total battery discharge over one run remains the highest at 118.1 mAh, due to the longer processing time. From a battery point of view, using a local model is at least as draining as running 3DMARK’s Wild Life benchmark.

With its reference consumption (terminal switched on, black screen background, brightness at 50%, no WiFi), we estimate that our phone’s battery is completely discharged in over 26h. Using these models, it discharges in 2h10min using Qwen 2.5 (i.e. around 143 responses), which will divide your autonomy by 12, 1h48m with Gemma 2 (i.e. around 171 responses), which will divide your autonomy by more than 14 and 1h45min with Llama 3.2 (i.e. around 245 responses), which will divide your autonomy by 15. Using a large local language model will reduce your smartphone’s autonomy by a factor of between 12 and 15.

When we look at the discharge speeds of the various prompts, we see that the latter decreases with each successive prompt. There are several possible explanations for this, such as software optimizations or hardware limitations. However, in the absence of measurement advantages, it is difficult to state with certainty the exact cause of this phenomenon. We’ll come back to these hypotheses in the next article.

Graph of battery discharge rate as a function of prompt: for all three models, consumption is decreasing

Step-by-Step Comparison of Battery Discharge Rates for Local Models

This high battery discharge correlates with very high CPU utilization, as can be seen in the graph below.

Battery discharge and CPU utilization over time

Battery discharge (white) and process CPU (orange) on a Samsung Galaxy S10 for a Llama 3.2 response – Greenspector Workshop

Remote models

This impact on the battery is all the more significant when compared with cloud-based models:

ModelsAverage observed discharge rate (µAh/s)Battery discharge (mAh)Total response time (s
Gemini 1323,224,85
ChatGPT 1203,329,5
Performance Comparison of Distant AI Models: Battery Discharge Speed, Battery Discharge and Total Response Time

We can see that for our route, using a remote model discharges our battery between 21 and 37 times less than a local model. We can then load more than 5170 responses from Gemini (i.e. 7h7min) or 4789 responses from ChatGPT (i.e. 7h51min) with a full battery.

Graph of Galaxy S10 discharge speeds according to usage: using ChatGPT and Gemini consumes more than a light game. Using local models consumes more than a heavy game.

Battery discharge on a Samsung Galaxy S10: Comparison according to use

The graph above shows a clear distinction between remote AI models (green) and local models (orange) in terms of energy consumption. Surprisingly, remote models still consume more energy than watching a YouTube video or playing a light game, even though they transmit only a small amount of data and require minimal computation on the device side, apart from the progressive display of text. Local models, on the other hand, show significantly higher energy consumption, exceeding that of all other uses tested, including intensive tasks such as heavy gaming or video recording.

These results highlight the significant energy impact of AI models running locally on smartphones, posing a real challenge for device autonomy as well as battery life in a context of prolonged and recurring use.


As we’ve shown, the privacy gains offered by local AI models are accompanied by a significant impact on energy consumption, due to the intense demands placed on the CPU of our smartphones. Designed to operate in the background without explicit user intervention (automatic responses, e-mail summaries, translations, etc.), these models constantly mobilize the device’s resources, accelerating battery discharge. As batteries are consumable components capable of enduring between 500 and 1,000 full charge/discharge cycles2, this over-consumption of energy leads to premature wear and tear. In the long term, this has a significant ecological impact, with more frequent replacement of the terminal or its battery.

We realize that running a large language model (LLM) locally is not a realistic use case on a large scale. However, the trend adopted by operating system manufacturers and publishers is a cause for concern. Faced with new demands for local AI, they are seeking to compensate for current limitations by increasing the computing power of terminals with dedicated gas pedals and higher-capacity batteries. However, the latency times observed on standard market devices, often deemed “uncomfortable” for the end-user, are likely to precipitate the renewal of smartphones towards higher performance models. A development that could increase the environmental impact of manufacturing new terminals.

Our initial measurements thus indicate that integrating local AI simply shifts the energy footprint from servers to user devices, with potentially heavier environmental consequences than AI running in the cloud.

In the next section, we’ll explore ways of reducing the energy impact of these models by comparing different hardware configurations (presence of a dedicated gas pedal, optimization of architectures) and software. For developers and manufacturers, the challenge will be to strike a balance between power, speed and energy efficiency. Optimizing algorithms to minimize power consumption without compromising response quality could be the key to making these technologies viable on a large scale.

At a time when one in three French people considers a flat battery to be a real phobia3, are we ready to sacrifice our autonomy, accelerate the wear and tear of our batteries, or prematurely change our smartphone while our device is still functional – all in the name of comfort and privacy?

To find out more …

For more information on AI and how it works we recommend . For more information on frugal AI we recommend the resources available here:

  1. ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. ↩︎

Whatsapp, Discord, Slack, Teams… What is the environmental impact of a user journey on these applications?

Reading Time: 5 minutes


The advent of instant messaging has transformed communications in the business world. In a world where speed is crucial, these applications offer a platform for real-time exchange, coordination and decision-making. Applications such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, WhatsApp and Discord and many others have thus changed the way teams interact, removing geographical limitations and facilitating communication. Instant messaging has also played a crucial role in the evolution of remote working, providing continuous connectivity between collaborators. However, behind this ease of use and speed lies an aspect that is often overlooked: the environmental impact of these applications.





The impact of these applications is all the greater because they are widely used in companies, but also because they are consumed over long and frequent periods. That’s why it’s interesting to know the unitary impact of these uses, and to be able to project more global impacts.


User path definition

For the measurement, we have determined a scenario that is compatible with all applications:

  • Step 0: 30s reference pause (with no application open)
  • Step 1: open application
  • Step 2: 30s pause with application open
  • Step 3: send message
  • Step 4: pause for 30s to read message
  • Step 5: receive reply
  • Step 6: send reply
  • Step 7: pause conversation for 30s while the other writes the message
  • Step 8: send an image (60.54 Kb)
  • Step 9: pause for 30s to view the image
  • Step 10: receive image (6.50 kB)
  • Step 11: send .gif file (3.36 MB)
  • Step 12: pause for 30s to view .gif file
  • Step 13: receive .gif file (3.36 MB)
  • Step 14: pause for 30s with application running in background
  • Step 15: 30s pause with application in background and message received
  • Step 16: pause for 30s after user closes application
  • Step 17: 30s pause after forced application closure

In order to compare performance between the different applications, two smartphones were used to send responses automatically after reception.

For this evaluation, we decided to use blank accounts for each application, so that the weight of previous conversations would not interfere with our results.

Measurement context

  •     Samsung Galaxy S10, Android 12  
  •     Network: Wi-Fi  
  •     Brightness : 50%  
  •    Tests carried out over a minimum of 3 iterations to ensure reliability of results

Measurement context

  •     Samsung Galaxy S10, Android 12  
  •     Network : Wi-Fi  
  •     Brightness : 50%  
  •     Tests carried out over a minimum of 3 iterations to ensure reliability of results


Required OS

In order to continue using the application to its full potential in complete safety, it’s important to have an up-to-date application. In 2020, according to the European Commission’s Eurobarometer, 19% of the reasons for renewing a digital device are due to software problems. It is therefore the responsibility of publishers to support older OSes. 

Minimum Android version required  Percentage of Android phone owners able to download the application (February 14, 2024)  Minimum iOS version required  Percentage of iOS phone owners able to download the application (January 4, 2024)  
WhatsApp  Android 5.0  99,5 iOS12  98,8 
Discord  Android 7.0  97,1 iOS12  98,8 
Slack  Android 10  84,3  iOS15  94,2 
Teams  Android 11  75,4 iOS15  94,2  

The best pupil here is WhatsApp, which supports Android 5.0 (version dating from 2014), iOS 12.0 (dating from 2018) and all subsequent versions. 

The worst performer is Teams, which only supports Android 11 (2020) and iOS 15.0 (2021). This means that 24 out of every 100 users with an Android smartphone cannot use this application.

Application size

A lightweight application is one that concentrates on the most useful features, and goes against the grain of the obese, which will offer unusable and/or unused functions. It also fills the smartphone’s memory, which may lead some users to change their terminal.

WhatsApp  Discord  Slack Teams 
Installed application size (MB) 108 165 189  226  

Once again, WhatsApp is the best pupil, with Teams, the worst performer, taking up more than double the space. 

Environnemental Impact

Following a detailed analysis, we were able to highlight the applications with the largest environmental footprint for this route. 

Environmental assessment assumptions

  • User localization: 100% France or 100% worldwide
  • Server localization: 100% worldwide
  • Devices used: smartphones only
Application  Impact of the journey (gCO2e) for users in FranceImpact of journey (gCO2e) for users outside France
WhatsApp  3,6 3,7 
Discord  4,5 4,6 
Teams   4,6 4,8 
Slack   5,2 5,4 
Application  Water consumption (l)*Land use (cm2)*
WhatsApp  0,5 6,2 
Discord  0,6 
Teams   0,6 6,2 
Slack  0,7 7,8 
*Due to lack of data, for the water and surface area indicators, the network part is not considered.

The most sober application 

WhatsApp has the lowest environmental impact on this route. This is mainly due to very low data consumption. 

The least sober application   

Slack has the highest environmental impact on this route. This is due to its high energy consumption.

Measurement analysis   

Energy consumption

To preserve battery life, it is imperative that the application is optimized for minimum power consumption, as the number of charge/discharge cycles of the phone plays a crucial role in the battery degradation process.

WhatsApp  Teams  Discord  Slack 
Energy impact of course (mAh) 11,1 10,6 11 16 

The most sober application

Teams offers the lowest energy consumption on this route.

The least sober application

Slack offers the highest energy consumption on this route.

The graph shows that for WhatsApp, the action of sending a gif seems to have a greater impact than for other applications.

What about dark mode?

Today’s applications offer a dark mode. This offers a number of advantages, not least of which is the ability to save screen power on devices with OLED screens, such as the Samsung Galaxy, on which tests were carried out. Discord offers two options, with a dark mode and a Midnight mode.

WhatsApp Dark Teams Dark Discord Dark Discord Midnight Slack Dark 
Energy impact of course (mAh) 7,8 7,6 7,3 7,2 12,7 
Reduction compared to light mode-30% -28% -34% -35% -21% 

As a result, the energy consumption of all applications is reduced by between 21 and 35%.

Mobile data consumption

WhatsApp  Teams  Discord  Slack  
Consommation de données mobiles du parcours (Mo)  0,8 7,8 7,3 7,5 

The most sober application 

WhatsApp offers the lowest data consumption on this route. This is due to the default compression of sent items.

The least sober application

Teams offers the highest data consumption on this path. We can see that more data is consumed during the application opening stage than during the other stages.

Usage performance

Performance enables us to meet a need by mobilizing a terminal for a shorter period of time, and therefore to have a lower manufacturing quota, which ultimately generates a lower impact.

WhatsApp Teams Discord Slack  
Running time (in seconds, excluding breaks) 55,6 37,4 42,5 49,9 

The most sober application 

Teams offers the shortest duration on this course.

The least sober application

WhatsApp offers the longest duration on this route. When we look at the duration of the different stages, we see that the longest stages for WhatsApp are sending and receiving GIFs.


Among the range of solutions measured, the use of WhatsApp is the most effective in limiting CO2eq emissions in this scenario, thanks in particular to the compression of images and GIF files. This analysis also shows the cost of this compression, both in terms of energy and performance, but that the cost-benefit ratio is still in favor of this compression. The most impactful application, Slack, will emit 44% more than WhatsApp. Finally, the use of dark mode reduces the energy impact of phones with OLED screens by between 20% and 35%.

Which mobile carpooling application has the greatest environmental impact?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Everyday car-sharing is a way of sharing the environmental impact of car travel. There are applications that put drivers and passengers in touch with each other. However, the savings made during a journey must not be outweighed by the impact of the IS of these services. In this article, we will look at the eco-design practices of three daily car-sharing applications: BlaBlaCarDaily, Karos and Klaxit.


This comparative study of mobile applications examines various aspects, such as the size of APK files (the installation files for Android applications), application compatibility and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by their use. The results highlight significant differences between applications, underlining the importance of implementing an eco-design approach.

First of all, it’s important to remember that the vast majority of a smartphone’s environmental impact is due to its manufacturing phase. A great deal of energy and materials, some of them rare, are needed to manufacture the product. Therefore, to effectively reduce the impact of a mobile application, it is necessary to ensure that it does not force users to change phones in order to obtain a suitable user experience. This involves evaluating a number of criteria, including but not limited to the following:

Compatibility: an application must be compatible with all user terminals (OS, screen resolution, etc.). We found that some applications were designed exclusively for more recent versions, limiting access for users with older devices. This incompatibility often leads to frequent replacement of devices, which can waste natural resources and increase electronic waste.

Battery use: battery wear and tear is one of the material causes of the need to buy a new phone. One of the factors that wear out the battery is the number of charge/discharge cycles the phone goes through. It is therefore essential that using the application does not require too much energy so as not to accelerate the draining of the battery.

Performance: this criterion corresponds to the application’s response time. Firstly, the aim of an eco-design approach is to enable users who do not wish to renew their phone to have a pleasant user experience, even on older devices. Secondly, longer charging times mean faster battery wear. Finally, if the factor limiting performance is network quality, mobile users will be even more affected.

    – Taille de l’APK : cet indicateur provoque 2 impacts différents. Premièrement, une application avec une taille importante nécessite un échange de données plus important pour être installée ou mise à jour. Deuxièmement, un utilisateur qui souhaite conserver son téléphone longtemps peut être amené à devoir gérer des problèmes de manque de mémoire. En effet, la taille des logiciels et des applications va croissante (on parle d’obésiciel). Dans un objectif de l’encourager dans cette démarche, il est nécessaire que le stockage utilisé par l’application soit le plus réduit possible. Dans cet article, nous allons nous focaliser uniquement sur la taille de l’APK, mais une démarche d’éco-conception doit également être menée sur l’ensemble des données stockées sur le téléphone, comme le cache.

APK size: this indicator has 2 different impacts. Firstly, a large application requires more data to be exchanged in order to be installed or updated. Secondly, users who want to keep their phone for a long time may have to deal with memory shortages. This is because software and applications are becoming increasingly large (known as “bloatware“). To encourage this, the storage used by the application needs to be as small as possible. In this article, we will focus solely on the size of the APK, but an eco-design approach must also be applied to all the data stored on the phone, such as the cache.

During an environmental impact analysis at Greenspector, we examine all these points to provide recommendations that will enable our clients to gain an accurate picture of their situation and reduce their environmental impact.

APK size comparison

First of all, let’s assess the size of each app, once installed on a Samsung Galaxy S9 (Android 11). Given that they all fill the same functional areas, we’d expect them to be roughly similar in size. However, the Klaxit application stands out because of its size. There may be several reasons for this difference. For example, the application uses more external SDKs, or it embeds more uncompressed resources (images, videos, etc.).

Application APK size
Karos48.66 MB 
BlaBlaCarDaily55.70 MB 
Klaxit 84.23 MB 

Application compatibility comparison

Another essential criterion we studied was the compatibility of applications with different versions of Android. For example, an application that is not compatible with a version lower than Android 8 would prevent 7.1% of Android owners from using the application.

Application Minimum Android version requiredNumber of Android phone owners able to download the application
Karos Android 8.0 94.0% 
BlaBlaCarDailyAndroid 7.0 96.1% 
Klaxit Android 7.0 96.1% 

The Karos application therefore enables 2.1% less users to use their car-sharing service. This difference may not seem significant, but let’s calculate the emissions avoided by supporting Android 6.0 instead of just 7.0.

According to ARCEP, 37% of smartphone renewals are due to a partial malfunction (real or supposed), including breakage of non-essential components, battery wear, obsolescence and software obsolescence. 
Let’s assume a fair distribution of these four reasons. We arrive at a renewal rate due to the OS (software obsolescence) of 9.25%.

According to ARCEP, there will be an estimated 48.4 million smartphone owners in France in 2021. Let’s assume that each smartphone owner has just one device. Let’s also assume that 10% of French people need access to a daily car-sharing service (strong assumption). This is equivalent to saving on the manufacture of N smartphones:

N = 10% * 9.25% * 2.1% * 48.4 M 
N = 9.4 k 

According to our environmental assessment model, the entire life cycle of a smartphone, excluding the use phase, emits an average of 59 kgCO2eq. The emissions avoided represent:

Etot = 9.4 * 59 = 554 T CO2 eq 

Comparison of GHG emissions

a) Explanation of our methodology

Pour évaluer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des applications, nous avons suivi une méthodologie rigoureuse basée sur la collecte de métriques pendant le parcours automatisé sur un téléphone réel : la consommation d’énergie de l’appareil, la quantité de données mobiles échangées et le nombre de requêtes HTTP effectuées. Grâce à ces données mesurées et le modèle d’évaluation d’impact environnemental Greenspector Studio, nous sommes en mesure de réaliser une estimation des émissions de CO2. Une explication plus précise du modèle utilisé est détaillée dans cet article : 

Assumptions used in the environmental assessment

  • Location of users: 100% in France
  • Location of servers: 100% in France
  • Devices used: smartphones only

b) Explanation of the route

These measurements have been carried out on the basis of user journeys that we have broken down into short stages. We are looking at the situation from the point of view of a passenger wishing to travel daily from the centre of Nantes to Carquefou. These routes have been set up in such a way that the same functionalities are evaluated, namely “listing available drivers” and “having details of a particular journey”. Each route is therefore made up of all or some of these stages:

  • Launching the application
  • Scroll to the home page
  • Load a list of available drivers
  • Load details of first journey

These different stages give us an overview of several elements generally present in a mobile application, such as a scrolling page or a complex element (integration of a route map). The launch stage is also very important because it can provide us with essential information, for example on the caching of data or the time taken to launch the application.

In order to obtain the most reliable measurement possible, we are writing a GDSL script to automate the execution of 5 identical series of tests. GDSL is a language developed by Greenspector that can be used to script test runs on Android and iOS smartphones. For more information, see our dedicated article.

Measurement context

  • Samsung Galaxy S10, Android 10
  • Network: Wi-Fi
  • Brightness: 50
  • Tests carried out over at least 3 iterations to ensure reliability of results

C) Results 

Once the measurements had been taken, the results were analysed to establish an assessment of the carbon footprint of the route chosen for the three car-sharing applications. A table comparing the results was drawn up. The following results are expressed in grams of CO2 equivalent.

Application CO2 emissions (g CO2e)
Karos 1,32
BlaBlaCarDaily 1,88
Klaxit 2,15

The results show a certain disparity between the different applications, which clearly demonstrates the impact that the design and development of an application can have on its greenhouse gas emissions. In this article, we will confine ourselves to a superficial analysis, including only comparative elements for the sake of brevity. For example, the choice of implementation of the interactive map will not be analysed. However, in the context of an application optimisation project, the analysis would be extended to provide more exhaustive recommendations.

In addition to our study on CO2 emissions, it should be emphasised that the environmental impact of applications goes beyond greenhouse gas emissions alone. The manufacture of a smartphone generates other pollution factors. Taking other environmental factors into account, such as aquatic eco-toxicity or the depletion of abiotic resources, would enable us to understand the issues linked to digital pollution in their entirety.


Les résultats de l’évaluation environnementale ont montré que le parcours Klaxit était plus émetteur en GES que les deux autres, à hypothèses équivalentes. La cause de ses moins bonnes performances est double : la quantité de données échangée de Klaxit est très importante comparée aux consommations d’énergie et la consommation en énergie se démarque du meilleur parcours, Karos. 95% des consommations de données du parcours de Klaxit se font lors du lancement de l’application.

Application Amount of mobile data exchangedEnergy consumption
Karos 115 ko 9,1 mAh
BlaBlaDaily336 ko 13,1 mAh  
Klaxit 3150 ko 12,7 mAh 
Capture d'écran de l'application Klaxit

On inspecting the Klaxit screen, we noticed the presence of an image carousel, a practice we tend not to recommend to our customers: as well as making navigation unintuitive, the animation leads to continuous energy consumption. As it happens, none of the images in this carousel are cached, which leads to very large data exchanges from the very first screen of the application.

In terms of energy consumption, the Klaxit application is not really more intense than the others. In fact, it’s the number of steps required to complete the same functions that is greater, which lengthens the user journey and consequently increases energy consumption. In fact, compared with Karos, additional scrolling and loading are required. Reviewing the user path and proposing optimisations to shorten it would bring the Klaxit application up to the level of the other two.

So, by simply taking measurements on a rudimentary path, we find two fundamental levers for action in digital eco-design: upstream conception and design (optimisation of the user path, carousel), and development practices (image caching). These two areas for improvement need to be considered together, in order to bring together two key players in the design of digital services: designers and developers.


The analysis highlights the fact that some applications are lagging behind in terms of eco-design. However, there are ways of improving digital services. By better understanding every aspect of a mobile application, we can identify opportunities to reduce the ecological footprint while improving the user experience. For example, designers and developers need to work together to encourage more sustainable and responsible use to ensure the environmental benefits of using a virtuous service. We are ready to support any company wishing to improve its approach to application design.

What is the environmental impact of mobile games in 2023?

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Previously, we provided a ranking of mobile video games :

Since the most recent update (beginning of 2020), downloads and revenues have significantly surged. Today, mobile games account for most of the digital gaming revenue (source: ), notably experiencing unprecedented increases during the pandemic (source:

If we took at the most downloaded mobile games in 2022, we get the following ranking: 

1- Subway Surfers
2- Stumble Guys
3- Roblox
4- Candy Crush
5- Race MAster 3D
6- 8 Ball Pool
7- FIFA Mobile
8- Merge Master – Dinosaur Game
9- Garena Free Fire
10- Bridge Race

Source :

App namePackage nameVersion
Subway Surferscom.kiloo.subwaysurf3.16.1
Stumble Guyscom.kitkagames.fallbuddies0.54
Candy Crush Sagacom.king.candycrushsaga1.259.0.1
Race Master 3Dcom.easygames.race4.0.4
8 Ball Poolcom.miniclip.eightballpool5.13.3
Merge Master - Dinoasaur gamecom.fusee.MergeMaster3.11.0
Garena Free Firecom.dts.freefireth1.100.1
Bridge Racecom.Garawell.BridgeRace3.23

The first thing that stands out compared to the previous mobile games ranking is that three games reappear: Subway Surfers, Candy Crush Saga, and 8 Ball Pool. In terms of downloads, Subway Surfers remains in the first position of the ranking 

Looking at the APK deployments, we notice that the frequency of new APK versions varies widely: at most one every 15 days or so for Candy Crush Saga or Race Master 3D, and at least one per week for Roblox. These updates undoubtedly have an environmental impact. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus here on the impact of their usage, assuming the conditions of the initial game launch. The functional unit would thus be: “starting a game session for the first time on a mid-range Android mobile device using Wi-Fi. 

This will allow us to assess the environmental impacts of these games to compare them.

Did you know?

In 2021, Google commissioned and published a study on the future of mobile gaming ( ). 

While the initial intention was to assess the expected increase in revenue generated by mobile games, some interesting facts have emerged: 

  • More than half of mobile gamers are female.  
  • 73% of gamers spend money on these games. 
  •  Most of the gamers are in Asia and the Pacific region. 


Definition of the User Journey

For measurement, it was essential but challenging to define a common user journey for all the games. As mentioned earlier, the obvious choice for us was a journey starting with the launch of the application and then the start of a game session. However, things quickly became more complex. 

For most of the games studied, the initial launch involves several intermediate screens: 

  • Gathering GDPR-related consent 
  • Input of the player’s age 
  • Gathering consent related to advertisements 
  • Creating a profile or linking to an account on a third-party service (Google, Facebook, etc…) (It would be interesting to analyze the third-party services used in each game in more detail at a later stage) 
  • Loading content updates 

If the first three items on the list are only filled out once, content updates can occur unexpectedly and independently of the APK update. 

Linking the games to a Google account made automating the Bridge Race game too complex compared to the time we had decided to allocate for this study. This led to the exclusion of the game from the sample studied here. We observed differences in behavior when linking the Google profile depending on the device used. In the future, we will consider conducting a complementary study that directly assesses the impacts of one minute of gameplay using Greenspector’s Testunner tool.

In the end, we still attempted to automate the following user journey for each game: 

Step 1: Launching the application

    Step 2: Loading the title screen 

    Step 3: Starting a game session 

Between these measured steps, some actions for consent validation or login that were not measured because they were absent in some applications. The significant number of elements to click on and intermediate screens during the initial launch of the FIFA Mobile game prevented us from reaching the actual gameplay launch. The measurements and calculations presented here are therefore below the actual values but have been retained to highlight other aspects. 

As part of this study, the data was collected between August 11th and August 16th, 2023, using Greenspector Studio. We utilized the Greenspector Domain-Specific Language (GDSL) to create test scripts that automatically replicate the actions to be performed on a mobile phone. The Testrunner module then enabled us to take measurements on an Android smartphone, providing us with energy and resource consumption (memory, CPU, data exchanged), and response times for each step of the user journey. 

Subsequently, based on these measurements, the impact model integrated into Greenspector Studio assessed the corresponding environmental impact and Eco-Scores. As a reminder, in the case of a user journey measurement, the overall Eco-Score is divided into three Eco-Scores: Performance, Mobile Data, and Energy. Each is rated on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being the best score. Each of these scores is derived from the ratings achieved for each measurement step, which depend on predefined thresholds. For instance, in the case of mobile data for loading steps: 


During this evaluation, we started from the perspective of the initial application launch. This inherently represents a more impactful journey than subsequent uses but provides a better understanding of the game’s operation. It’s worth noting that during actual gameplay, there are often regular updates that can also have an impact. 

Measurement Context 

  • Device: Samsung Galaxy S9, Android 10 
  • Network Connection: Wi-Fi 
  • Screen Brightness: 50% 
  • Tests were conducted over at least 3 iterations to ensure result reliability. 

Hypotheses for Environmental Projections 

  • User Location: 100% World
  • Server Location: 100% World
  • Devices Used: Smartphones only 

The environmental footprint depends on the location and type of application servers, user locations, and the type of devices they use. We have focused our study solely on the use of applications on smartphones. We have also assumed that users and servers are overwhelmingly located outside of France, as precise statistics were unavailable.


App nameAPK size (Mo)Data exchanged (MB)Total battery discharge (mAh)
Subway Surfers177,15,318,3
Stumble Guys19846,444,9
Candy Crush Saga92,212,122,3
Race Master 3D182,633,217,1
8 Ball Pool89,907,8
FIFA Mobile180,4161,534,3
Merge Master - Dinoasaur game17526,124,5
Garena Free Fire400,85,719,8
Bridge Race170,9

First and foremost, we observe that APK files for initial downloads are mostly between 160 and 200 MB, which is already quite substantial. Only Candy Crush Saga and 8 Ball Pool are below this range, at around 90 MB. For Free Fire, the file size goes up to 400 MB! 

The duration of usage is estimated to be a little over 20 minutes per day according to this study by Statista: The impact of installation and updates, assuming daily or near-daily usage, has therefore been excluded from the present study. However, it’s possible that for a game used sporadically over time, updates might have a more significant impact than actual usage. In such cases, there is a risk for the game publisher that users may lose interest in the game. While the APK update can be managed daily like other mobile applications, it’s the content update during the game launch that can become problematic. As we will discuss later, everything is designed to encourage daily play. 

Regarding the data transferred for the initial launch of the game, most games require a few additional megabytes. Only 8 Ball Pool does not require any data transfer. Conversely, FIFA Mobile, Stumble Guys, Race Master 3D, and Merge Master require downloading a few tens of megabytes. In particular, FIFA Mobile requires downloading over 160 MB, which includes updating the content based on sports news. This is seen as added value by the publisher but is considered a poor practice from a sustainability perspective. Initially, efforts should focus on how to reduce the technical size of the necessary information, and ideally, limit the refresh frequency and the comprehensiveness of the information. 

These substantial data transfers are often correlated with degraded performance. For instance, for Stumble Guys and FIFA Mobile, it sometimes takes 1 to 2 minutes for the screen that allows the game to appear to be launched. For half of the games, simply launching the application takes between 10 and 20 seconds, which is particularly long. In the case of Roblox, the title screen loads quickly, with content loading occurring after selecting a game (and generally taking quite a while). The longest launch time is for 8 Ball Pool, but for this game, no data is transferred, and the impact on the battery is relatively low (particularly due to the limited number of animations). This game ultimately has the best scores. In general, the scores obtained are as follows:

We can observe that 8 Ball Pool is the game with the best scores, mainly due to what we just discussed (few animations, no data transferred). In this regard, its operation during launch is closer to what I would tend to associate with “old-school” mobile games: offline and relatively simple games (though not as basic as Snake and similar games). It’s worth noting that once the onboarding process of 8 Ball Pool is completed, it reverts to a more typical operation, including online gameplay by default, which would need to be measured separately. 

In comparison, the other games have lower scores. Only Race Master 3D and Subway Surfers stand out somewhat. It appears that the games studied here have scores that are at best around the average, with very few exceptions. All of this may indicate concerns regarding efficiency or sustainability but is more likely attributed to the nature of these applications themselves: animation, data exchanges, and often a multitude of persuasive design mechanisms. We will revisit this later. 

As for the environmental impacts, the calculations lead to the following results: 

App nameGHG emissions in gCO2eWater consumption in LLand use in cm2
Subway Surfers1,10,11,3
Stumble Guys6,50,63,6
Candy Crush Saga1,90,21,6
Race Master 3D4,40,41,9
8 Ball Pool0,200,6
FIFA Mobile20,11,66,1
Merge Master - Dinoasaur game3,80,42,4
Garena Free Fire1,10,11,3

The high impacts observed here are correlated with findings made previously, particularly significant data loads that lead to performance degradation and increased battery consumption on the device. Consequently, the games with the highest impacts are FIFA Mobile (far ahead of the others), as well as Stumble Guys and Merge Master. Unsurprisingly, 8 Ball Pool is also the least impactful game in this regard. 


The measurements conducted highlight certain design choices that directly contribute to increased environmental impacts. 

As mentioned earlier, the length of onboarding processes often highlights three interrelated concerns: the collection of personal data, advertising, and more broadly, the use of persuasive design mechanisms. As a reminder, these mechanisms are aimed at keeping the user engaged with the application for as long as possible and are present in many applications and websites. Ethical Designers, among others, have a keen interest in this matter. However, let’s delve into the case of the games studied here. 

The RGPD consent, as well as that related to advertisements (and sometimes age verification), aim to minimize the display of ads during the game. This, of course, serves as a source of revenue for game developers. The level of intrusiveness of advertisements can vary. Often, players are offered the option to watch video ads in exchange for rewards or to continue playing. Sometimes, it’s even possible to purchase the game to get rid of these ads. The vigilance and attention of players make them more susceptible to such suggestions, which is linked to persuasion mechanisms. 

In the field of design, particularly in terms of user interface and interaction design, the concept of “gamification” has been discussed for several years. This involves incorporating game elements to increase user engagement and make the experience more enjoyable. This shouldn’t be underestimated, as some games are very skilled at attracting and retaining players. Furthermore, by taking this approach further, it’s possible to encourage players to spend money. 

For example (among many others), let’s consider Candy Crush Saga. It would be possible to offer this game in a more limited form, focused solely on the gameplay itself: progressing through levels of varying difficulty with the objective of clearing candies or obstacles. The rules and challenges are simple and form the core of the game as such. However, various artificial elements have been added here: 

  • Bright colors, visual effects, and sounds are used to enhance the impact of user actions. This is referred to as feedback. 
  • Limited resources (lives, bonuses, etc.) are introduced to create the need and, more importantly, a sense of scarcity. Often, it’s possible to replenish these resources by watching videos or spending money (virtual or real). 
  • Progress bars (level or otherwise), trophies, rewards, avatars, and scores are incorporated to encourage constant improvement and enable users to compare themselves with others. This leads us to another important element of gamification and attention capture: 
  • Social connection: seeing what others are doing, comparing oneself with them, and allowing them to see what one is doing. Like social networks (often through a connection with them), this mechanism encourages more and better gameplay but also creates attachment to the game through connections with other players. This is accomplished through online gameplay or by connecting with social networks (for sharing achievements, finding players, etc.). 
  • Randomness to create addiction (analogous to slot machines). Correlated with limited resources, this factor appears in the form of random rewards, sometimes in the form of loot boxes ( ). This is expected to increasingly lead to legal framework changes for regulatory purposes:

All of this contributes to the player’s motivation, particularly through a subtle balance of their frustration between two states that the player consciously or unconsciously seeks to achieve: 

  • Flow: The player’s state of concentration where objectives seamlessly follow one another. This is typically the period when time seems to fly by. Consequently, this can encourage the player to invest (time, virtual resources, real money) to maintain this state and avoid frustration. 
  • Fiero: A state of satisfaction linked to overcoming a particularly formidable obstacle (in non-mobile video games, this is one of the basic mechanics in what is sometimes called “Souls-like” games: games that emphasize player mastery to offer a very high challenge). 

The game design often revolves around these two states, directly or indirectly (gradual increase in difficulty, rewards, etc.). This delicate balance will be crucial for the quality of a game and, more importantly, the gaming experience. For publishers, it also affects the time players spend on the game and the money they spend. This can sometimes lead to higher environmental impacts. 

Directly, it encourages players to spend as much time as possible on the game by utilizing online play and links with social networks, displaying advertisements, and designing interfaces that are rich in information and visual effects. 

Indirectly, it promotes consumption (spending money) but also overconsumption (wanting more and generating frustration). This leads to environmentally unfriendly behaviors that go against the principles of environmental sustainability. 

It’s worth noting that the video game industry is becoming increasingly aware of its environmental impacts. 

Polygon has shown interest in the topic:

This growing awareness often leads to actions as well as greenwashing efforts (example: [FR]). 

However, more and more relevant resources are emerging on the subject: Some manufacturers are looking into the environmental impact of their hardware, while publishers are trying to assess their environmental footprint. The regular turnover of gaming machines and the release schedules of games themselves pose inherent environmental challenges. Online gaming and digitization do not necessarily make things better. In this regard, you can refer to the study by ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition) on the digitization of cultural services. Similar to what can be observed, for example, with websites, optimizations are possible (efficiency), but the real challenge lies in sustainability (in contrast to the extravagance of open-world games). There are also broader issues to consider:   

  • How video games can implement systems that do not encourage excessive consumption (accumulation logic, power race, etc.) 
  • How to strengthen our connection to nature? How to introduce game mechanics that go beyond accumulation and competition? How to portray possible (e.g., The Climate Trail ) or desirable futures? 


Mobile games are an integral part of many people’s daily lives, making it even more essential to study their environmental impacts (although other aspects of Responsible Digital, such as the attention economy, accessibility, and personal data management, remain relevant). While technical optimizations are still possible, the crux of the issue lies in their design and the behaviors they induce (including the risk of addiction and financial risks for players). 

Video games, in general, could and should become a catalyst for raising awareness about ecological issues. Just as with accessibility, some initiatives have already begun, and it will be interesting to see how they evolve in response to the urgent challenges at hand. 

What is the environmental impact of the 10 most widely used transport applications in France? 2023

Reading Time: 8 minutes

With the emergence of transport apps in France, urban mobility has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Indeed, these mobile applications are among the most downloaded and used by the French. Every major city has an app published by an urban transport company, offering practical, flexible solutions for getting around town. However, behind this ease of use and convenience lies an aspect that is often overlooked: the environmental impact of these applications.

These companies have understood that the development of mobile applications makes it possible to offer services to passengers (timetables, traffic information, transport maps, intermodality), but also to reduce costs by providing ticket sales and stamping services directly integrated into the application on our phones.

The aim of this study is to measure the environmental impact of transport applications in France’s 10 most populous cities, according to the Statista website:

  • Bonjour RATP for the Paris region
  • RTM in Marseille
  • TCL in Lyon
  • Tisséo for Toulouse
  • Lignes d’azur in Nice
  • TAN in Nantes
  • TAM in Montpellier
  • CTS in Strasbourg
  • TBM in Bordeaux
  • Ilevia in Lille

These applications differ in terms of user interface, but they all meet a set of essential user needs. We have therefore determined a common user path, enabling us to compare these applications in terms of carbon impact, energy consumption and data exchanged. Finally, in the second part, we analyze the causes of these results.

Ranking of France’s 10 most populous cities in 2020


User path definition

For the measurement, we determined a common scenario compatible for all applications, namely the search for a route from point A to point B (geolocation activated), with the following steps.

  • Step 1: Launch the application
  • Step 2: Access to search page
  • Step 3: Enter route
  • Step 4: Display results
  • Step 5: Route selection
  • Step 6: Application background (30 sec)

For this study, data was measured on June 19, 2023, using Greenspector Studio. We used GDSL (Greenspector Domain-Specific Language) to write test scripts, which automatically reproduce the actions to be performed on a phone. The Testrunner module then enabled us to carry out the measurements on an Android smartphone: we thus obtained energy and resource consumption (memory, CPU, exchanged data) and response times for each step of the journey. Finally, based on these measurements, the impact model integrated into Greenspector Studio evaluates the corresponding environmental impact.


For this evaluation, we decided to study the behavior of a user who regularly uses the application and therefore searches for his itinerary with as few clicks as possible.

Measurement context

  • Samsung Galaxy S10, Android 10
  • Network: Wi-Fi
  • Brightness: 50%.
  • Tests carried out over at least 3 iterations to ensure reliability of results

Environmental projection hypothesis

  • User location: 100% in France
  • Server location: 100% in France
  • Devices used: smartphones only

The environmental footprint depends on the location of the application servers, their type, the location of the users and the type of devices they use. We have studied the use of applications only on smartphones and on users present on French soil, as their use is intended only for this part of the population. In the absence of better information, servers were considered to have a medium level of complexity.


After a detailed analysis, we drew up a comparative table of the results, highlighting the applications with the lowest GHG emissions and those with the largest environmental footprint.

The following results are expressed in g of CO2 equivalent per trip.

The soberest application

Lille’s Ilévia and Montpellier’s Tam are the applications with the lowest impact according to our results. They consume very little energy. The fact that the route measured contains a small number of images and animations explains this figure in particular.

Least sober application

Bonjour RATP comes last in the ranking, but that’s no great surprise. In fact, the application consumes a lot of energy. This enormous power consumption is due in particular to the integration of third-party geolocation services and the large amount of multimedia content (photos, icons, etc.). What’s more, the application offers a host of features right from the home screen, such as scooter scanning.

The application preloads a wide range of content. Even if the user is offline, they can still access the interactive map to search for a station. This is a negative point for the application, as this pre-loading is not a critical step for the rest of the journey. It is irrelevant for the user to load a map that goes beyond the borders of Paris.

Projection for 10,000 regular users

Most apps have between 100,000 and 500,000 downloads on the Playstore. For each city, let’s take 10,000 regular users who use the app every day to make a round trip: this equates to 600,000 monthly visits.

Application (Ville) Impact per visit (g CO2e)Impact per day for 10000 users (2x/day) (kg CO2e)Impact total par an (kg CO2e)
TAM (Montpellier) 1,1 22 8030 
Ilévia (Lille) 1,1 22 8030 
CTS (Strasbourg) 1.2 24 8760 
Tisseo (Toulouse) 1.2 24 8760 
RTM (Marseille) 1.2 24 8760 
TCL (Lyon) 1.2 24 8760 
TAN (Nantes) 1.3 26 9490 
Azur (Nice) 1.5 30 10950 
TBM (Bordeaux) 1.5 30 10950 
RATP (Paris) 2.4 48 17520 

The table shows the carbon impact of a single visit in g CO2e and presents the projection of twice-daily use for 10,000 users in kg CO2e. Finally, the projection is made over a one-year period using the same unit.

For low-impact applications such as TAM or CTS, such annual use represents 8.03 tonnes of CO2e. This is equivalent to more than 36,903 km driven in a light vehicle, according to Ademe’s Impact CO2 website.

For the RATP, by far the biggest contributor, the impact is more than double, amounting to 17.5 tonnes of CO2e per year. This is equivalent to over 80,000 km in a light vehicle.

According to the Ministry of Ecological Transition’s Bilan annuel des transports en 2019, a car registered in mainland France has driven an average of 12,200 km over the year. The impact of a sober transport app used by 10,000 people 2 times a day represents the annual emissions of more than 2 light vehicles, while the impact of the RATP represents the annual emissions of around 7 vehicles!

One-year impact projection

According to the RATP Group website, the Bonjour RATP application is visited by 2.5 million unique monthly visitors and generates over 20 million monthly visits. If we assume that each visit includes at least one route search, we can obtain the app’s monthly carbon impact.

This represents 48 t CO2e per month, or more than 220,000 km by car.

But what causes these impacts?

In this second part, we analyze where these environmental impact values may come from. Using energy consumption and data exchanged over the network during the user’s journey, applications are again ranked according to their energy consumption.

ApplicationlaunchIncative foregroundAccess route pageInput departure/arrivalResults displayroute selectionInactive background

The graph above compares the different stages (apart from a few pauses) of each route measured in terms of energy consumed.

We notice that the pauses in the foreground are generally consuming, i.e. the user is present on the application’s home screen but without performing a single action. This can be explained by the fact that the launch is not long enough to generate all the content, so that even when inactive after being launched, it continues to generate content such as the little bus station icons, for example. It’s also possible that the user’s location is constantly being sought, as evidenced by the activity on the background pause stage.

We also note that background applications consume almost the same amount of energy in all measurements.

The most time-consuming step is the entry of the start and end points of the user’s itinerary, due to the search and loading of the itineraries entered for the section. Indeed, on many transport applications, it is necessary to perform several actions, or even load new pages for each entry step, whereas on other applications, entry is directly accessible from the home page. For example, CTS and Ilevia.

A disparity in consumption is also observed at the route selection stage in the applications. Some applications, such as Tisseo, directly propose the only route available in the next few minutes. 

Moreover, RATP displays a route page access step that consumes much more power than the others. Some applications that display zero consumption at this stage simply don’t load a new page, as this functionality is present on the home page. The user’s journey is optimized by reducing actions, thus reducing energy consumption. This is the case with Tisséo, which has no results page to display the different routes. Instead, the application directly suggests the shortest route, as seen in the screenshot below.

One notable observation concerns the route entry stage, where Ratp stands out for its higher energy consumption, being 5.8 times more power-hungry than the TCL. This excessive consumption could be attributed to trackers and integrated third-party services.

Finally, on the Azur application from Nice and TBM from Montpelier, the route display stage consumes more energy than the others. This may be due to the map generated for this display being uncompressed or loading beyond what is necessary, i.e. beyond the limits of the city’s transport network.

In terms of data exchanged, the CTS, Tisseo and TAM applications are the least frugal. TAM exchanges 2.4 MB, twice the average for all applications. The best performers in terms of data exchanged are Azur, Ilevia, TCL, RTM and TBM, which consume less than 0.5 MB.

According to Green IT, the average size of an e-mail is 81 Kb. So, on average, a route search is equivalent to the exchange of 12 e-mails.

According to our tool, during the launch stage of most applications, a significant amount of data exchange occurs to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience. However, some applications, such as TAN, have chosen to adopt a progressive data loading approach. This means that only essential information is retrieved initially, while other data is loaded as the application is used.

As mentioned earlier, the RATP application loads a lot of content at launch, as does TAM. This can be seen when the application is launched offline, with the map already loaded with metro and bus stations and stops, for example.

Are all these third-party services necessary?

The integration of third-party services will depend on the specific benefits they bring, their relevance to end-users and the overall impact on application performance and technical complexity. Testing, performance monitoring and user feedback are recommended to assess the effectiveness of third-party services and make informed decisions.


A study of the environmental impact of transport applications in France’s 10 largest cities reveals contrasting results. Some applications, such as RATP, TBM and Azur, have less sober journeys and consume more energy, which can have a negative impact on the environment. On the other hand, applications such as Azur, Ilevia and TAM stand out by consuming less data and energy.

It is essential that designers and product owners of transport applications become aware of the impact their solutions have on the environment, and look for ways to reduce their ecological footprint. Adopting best practices in terms of digital sobriety and carbon emissions reduction can help mitigate the environmental impact of these applications.



What is the environmental footprint of the 10 most visited m-commerce sites and apps in France in 2023?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

The e-commerce market in France in 2022 amounted to 146.7 billion euros in sales. This is a growth of 13.8% compared to 2021. Although the turnover (CA) of product sales is down compared to the previous year, the considerable increase (+36%) in the CA of service sales supports the overall growth of the e-commerce sector.

There were 2.3 billion transactions made on the internet in France in 2022, 6.5% more than in 2021. Inflation and the sale of services contributed to an increase in the average basket with 6.9% increase. It was on average 65 euros in 2022.

This article can be used as a comparison with the previous content made on the subject in 2022. The article focused on the e-commerce figures in 2021 and the ranking of m-commerce apps and websites in the 2nd quarter of 2021.

E-commerce refers to all transactions made on the Internet, while m-commerce refers to all types of purchases made on an e-commerce website with a mobile device. M-commerce is therefore a sub-category of e-commerce.

Selection method of websites and applications

For this new version, we based ourselves on the measurement of the 10 most visited m-commerce sites and applications in France (figures of the 4th quarter 2022 exposed by Fevad). Compared to the previous ranking, 2 players have appeared: Rakuten and Darty. It is eBay and ManoMano that are out of the top 10.

User path definition

After refining the selection of the 10 applications and websites to be measured, we went back to the path that was defined in last year’s article.


Implementation of Greenspector’s solution

We used our innovative solution to measure the environmental impact of different stages of the user journey. We ran the automated tests several times on a real device, in this case the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. We measured resource consumption (energy, memory, data) and response times. This data then allowed us to obtain the environmental impact of applications and websites. We explain it all in detail in our methodology.

Ranking of the environmental footprint of the 10 most visited m-commerce sites in France

The 3 sites with the least impact are : Leclerc, Leroy Merlin and Fnac.
Compared to the article published last year, Cdiscount is back on the podium while the Fnac site is in the top 3 of the least impactful sites.

The 3 most impactful sites are: Amazon, Rakuten and Darty.
The Amazon site is 2.2 times more impactful than the Leclerc site.
The average carbon impact of these 10 websites is 1.09gEqCO2 for an average duration of the scenario (see methodology at the end of the article) of 1 minute and 58 seconds, which is the equivalent of 5 meters driven by light vehicle.

Projection of global carbon impacts over one month

In last year’s article we based ourselves on the figures presented in the ECN report. For this new study, we used the Fevad barometer enriched by Médiamétrie in order to be as close as possible to reality.

For this projection, we consider that the share of global e-commerce traffic is 55% on mobile, 39% on PC and 6% on tablet (source). We also used the ADEME tool to project the equivalences.

With an average of 16.15 million monthly users and an average visit time of 5 minutes and 50 seconds, these 10 e-commerce sites have an average projected impact of 172 tons of CO2e per month (29 tons on mobiles, 139 tons on PCs, 4 tons on tablets). This is the equivalent of 20 times the circumference of the Earth covered by a light vehicle.

Impact projection for the most and least sober website

Concerning the best website of this ranking (Leclerc) for 14.84 million visits / month with a duration of 3 minutes, the total carbon impact would be 58 tons of EqCO2 per month (9 tons on mobile, 47 tons on PC and 1 ton on tablet). This is the equivalent of 6 times the circumference of the Earth travelled in a light vehicle.
Concerning the worst website of this ranking (Amazon) for 38.29 million visits / month with a duration of 8 minutes, the carbon impact would be 690 tons of EqCO2 per month (121 tons on mobile, 553 tons on PC and 15 tons on tablet). This is equivalent to 79 times the circumference of the Earth travelled by light vehicle.

The fact that the Leclerc site is at the top of the ranking is mainly due to the low energy consumption of the product viewing and shopping cart viewing stages. Only the essential information is present on this search page (product name, price, availability). On the product page, there is the possibility to quickly add the product to the cart, and drop-down menus are proposed if the customer wants more information. This site is also the one that exchanges the least amount of data to complete the scenario.

By analyzing the product search results page with our measurement tool, we can see that many good practices are applied. There are few network exchanges with 19 HTTP requests and only one CSS file. The lazy-loading of images is applied.

The fact that the Amazon site is last in the ranking is explained by the search and product viewing stages. Indeed, this site consumes a lot of energy on these phases. The data exchange is also important. There are 2,62Mb of data exchanged for the search phase, and 5,85Mb of data exchanged for the visualization of the product sheet. During the search, a lot of information appears (indication “Suggestions”, “Sponsored”, “Amazon Choice” or “No. 1 in sales”, product name, rating, number of reviews, price, discount, delivery date). However, unlike last year, we notice that there are no more autoplay video ads on this phase. When viewing the product, a lot of information also appears (offers, delivery dates in case of free or accelerated delivery, product details, products frequently purchased together…). Moreover, the customer is obliged to scroll before being able to access and click on the “Add to cart” button.

Going into more detail on the product search page, there are a lot of network exchanges with 119 HTTP requests and 11 CSS files. These figures are up from last year’s 109 and 9 respectively. The lazy-loading of images is not applied, which implies that the images are not visible on the screen. This practice should be avoided, as the user will not necessarily scroll to these images.

Ranking of the environmental footprint of the 10 most visited m-commerce applications in France

The 3 applications with the least impact are: Carrefour, Darty and Veepee

The 3 most impactful applications are: Amazon, Aliexpress and Leroy Merlin

We observe that the Amazon application has a carbon impact 3 times higher than the Carrefour application.
The average carbon impact of these 10 applications is 0.81 gEqCO2 for an average scenario duration of 1 minute and 58 seconds, or the equivalent of 3 meters driven in a light vehicle.

The Carrefour application takes its place in the phases of viewing the product sheet and adding the product to the cart, which are lower in energy consumption and in the amount of data exchanged. On the add to cart stage, this can be explained by the fact that it does not automatically redirect to the cart and only generates a simple change on the add to cart button which becomes a quantity selector.

This year again Amazon is at the last place of the ranking. This result is explained once again by the product search and visualization phases, during which the application consumes a lot of energy. In terms of data exchanged we observe 4.73MB on the product visualization stage (against 0.05MB for Carrefour) and 4.15MB on the search stage (against 0.19MB for Carrefour).

Review of the study

This year again we observe that the impact is almost three times greater between the most sober platform and the one with the highest impact.
To shop online, it is better to use applications than websites. Indeed, in the scenario studied, websites have on average 44% more impact. Only Leroy Merlin and Leclerc have a greater carbon impact on applications than on the web. We remind you that applications have an impact on their download and their updates. They are therefore to be preferred only in case of regular orders.

We would like to complete this assessment with an observation we made during our tests. Indeed, we observed that on some websites and applications the path could change or be altered. This is the case for Amazon which has implemented AB testing. This method allows the application and the website to vary the displays. For example, on the description of a product, the description can be different from one user to another.

In our case we encountered a phenomenon of change of path on the Amazon website. During a first test we were redirected directly to the shopping cart with the addition of the product to it. In a second test the next day we were no longer automatically redirected to the shopping cart page. Instead, we had to go to the shopping cart ourselves by clicking on the icon provided for this purpose.

Depending on the path, the site or application will consume more or less energy and exchange more or less data. AB testing is a feature used by many digital solutions in the world and we handle it in our path automation thanks to our GDSL language. In the case of our study we have of course taken care to base our measurements on a single path.

Results tables

Ranking of the 10 most visited websites in France

Sites weburlEnergy (mAh)Exchanged Datas (Mo)Impact carbone (gEqCO2)Water Imprint (Litres)Ground Imprint (cm2)Scenario length (secondes)
Leroy Merlinleroymerlin.fr14,854,190,790,141,67123,27

Ranking of the 10 most visited applications in France

ApplicationVersionEnergy (mAh)Data exchanged (Mo)Impact carbone (gEqCO2)Water Imprint (Litres)Ground Imprint (cm2)Length Scenario (secondes)
Leroy Merlin8.11.213,308,850,930,151,56119,27

The selection is based on applications and sites where we can define a common path. We therefore discarded some sites and apps that presented a path too different from the one displayed below. Example:
We also discarded 2 solutions based on the purchase between individuals which are Leboncoin and Vinted.
For each site and each application, measured on a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (Android 9), the measurements were made from scripts using GDSL (Greenspector Domain-Specific Language). This language allows to automate actions to be performed on a phone. The measurements were performed between April 10 and 19, 2023.

The scenario is defined based on the user’s path to purchase a product. We do not go to the payment stage. We stop at the product visualization.

Details of the common scenario for the 20 measures:

-Launching the site or application
-Pause for 30 seconds on the home page
-Search for a product using the search bar, then view the products offered
-Select a product, then view its characteristics (details, reviews…)
-Add the product to the cart
-Pause for 30 seconds on the shopping cart page

Each measurement is the average of 5 homogeneous measurements (with a low standard deviation). The consumptions measured on the given smartphone according to a wifi type network can be different on a laptop with a wired network for example. For each iteration on the websites, the cache is emptied beforehand.

Côté projection de l’empreinte, les paramètres pris en compte pour réaliser ces classements sont : 

  • Ratio de visualisation : 100% Smartphone 
  • Ratio de visualisation : 100% France 
  • Localisation des serveurs : 100% Monde

Learn how Greenspector assesses the environmental footprint of a digital service.

What is the environmental impact of the most used dating applications in France?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Article Summary

In 2022, a third of the French population used a dating application. But what is the environmental impact of looking for love?  

We measured the 10 most popular mobile dating apps (on a common user journey).  

Here is the Flop 3 (the most impactful apps): Lovoo, Grindr and OkCupid.  

Here is the Top 3 (the least impactful apps): Bumble, Tinder and Happn.  

The impactful number: Projected over a month, the impact of these 10 dating apps is 9614 tons EqCO2. That’s equivalent to driving around the Earth 1102 times in a combustion engine car (counting 23 million French users with an average use of 55 minutes per day). 

Note that many people use several applications (even if it means maximizing their chances 😉 ) 

Since the creation of the geolocation feature for smartphones, dating applications have become very popular. Today, there are more than 8,000 of them in the world, including 2,000 in France. Nearly a third of French people use or have used a dating application. Moreover, users spend 55 minutes a day on them. 

Given these figures, we can wonder about the impact of these applications on the environment.

The dating applications we chose to measure 

Three criteria were used to choose the 10 applications we evaluated: popularity, free access, and availability on Android. Indeed, we chose to evaluate applications that are free to use because they are among the most used. Less than 3% of French people use paid applications.  

Regarding the evaluation, a common scenario was determined that is compatible with all applications, namely consulting profiles, liking or not liking the profile, and sending a message. This allows us to get as close as possible to the real use of the application.

Step 1: Launching the application

Step 2: Dislike a profile (by swiping or clicking on “reject”)

Step 3: Like a profile (or send a tap) (by swiping or clicking on “like”)

Step 4: View the details of a profile (by scrolling)

Step 5: Like the profile (or send a tap) (by swiping or clicking on “like”)

Step 6: View the last conversation

Step 7: Send a message in this conversation

Ranking of the environmental footprint of the 10 most used free dating applications in France

The 3 most impactful applications: are Lovoo, Grindr, and OkCupid.

The 3 applications with the least impact: are Bumble, Tinder, and Happn.

We note that the most impactful application (Lovoo) has an impact 5 times greater than that of the least impactful application (Bumble).   

The average carbon impact of these applications is 0.25 gEqCO2 for an average duration of 25 seconds. This is equivalent to driving 1 meter in a combustion engine car.

Projecting carbon impacts over one month

To project the impact of the applications in this ranking, we will use the following assumptions  

  • 100% of users are in France   
  • 100% of users are on mobile phones  

Various studies show that one-third of the French population (23 million individuals) used dating applications in 2022 with an average of 55 minutes spent on them.   

Projected over a month, the impact of these 10 dating apps is 9614 tons of CO2e. This is equivalent to driving around the Earth’s circumference 1102 times in a combustion engine car.   

For the highest-ranked application (Bumble), for an average of 55 minutes per day for a month, a user has an impact of 579 gEqCO2. This is equivalent to driving 2.7 kilometers in a combustion-engine car.   

For the lowest ranked application (Lovoo), for an average of 55 minutes per day for a month, a user has an impact of 2.7 kgEqCO2. This is equivalent to driving 12.4 kilometers in a combustion-engine car.

Greenspector experts focus on the soberest application: Bumble

The Bumble application is particularly sober during the launch and opening phases of the message page. During these phases, little data is loaded and there is no major energy overconsumption.   

On the page where the profiles are displayed, only about 4 are pre-loaded. Animations are also limited during actions on the application and a delayed loading of photos has been implemented for those not seen on the screen. 

Greenspector experts focus on the least sober application: Lovoo

The Lovoo application is at the bottom of the ranking with a much higher impact than its competitors. Although the performance is excellent except for the rather long opening time of the application, the energy and data consumption is very high. The integration of ubiquitous advertising with carousels or videos contributes greatly to this over-consumption.   

Opening the page to swiping loads an average of 1.9 MB of data. Many profiles are pre-loaded to be displayed smoothly after each swipe compared to competing applications. More than 20 profiles are preloaded compared to about 4 on other applications.


Between the soberest dating application and the least sober application, we note that the impact is 5 times more important.   

Note that the differences are mostly due to animations, the consequent loading of data (photos, videos…), and the management of the elements displayed on the screen. By applying good practices, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact of applications.   

As a user, we can reduce our impact by using only one dating application if we have several.   

And to go further in digital sobriety, it is always possible to meet people in real life!

Results table

Applications Version Energy (mAh)Data exchanged (MB)Carbon impact (gEqCO2)Water Footprint (Litres)Soil Footprint (cm²)Scenario duration (seconds)
Lovoo 143.0 58,95,30,70,10,225,3
Grindr 9.2.0 44,53,30,40,00,221,0
Happn 26.31.2 36,60,90,20,00,130,7
Fruitz 3.6.2 41,40,90,20,00,127,6
Hinge 9.15.1 36,61,00,20,00,129,0
Adopte un mec 4.9.21 86,00,60,20,00,230,4
Badoo 5.306.0 37,21,50,20,00,123,6
OKCupid 74.1.0 42,11,50,20,00,120,2
Bumble 5.307.0 35,60,80,10,00,123,2
Tinder 14.2.0 55,20,60,10,00,121,4


For each of the applications, measured on a Samsung Galaxy S9 (Android 10), the measurements were carried out using scripts based on GDSL (Greenspector Domain-Specific Language). This language allows automated actions to be performed on a phone. The measurements were carried out in February 2023.  

Details of the scenario :   

  • Disliking a profile   
  • Liked a profile   
  • View the details of a profile (see the information and the different photos) and like it   
  • Go to the inbox and send a message in the last conversation held  

Each measurement is the average of 5 homogeneous measurements (with a small standard deviation). The consumption measured on a given smartphone according to a wifi type network can be different if one is in 4G or 3G.  

On the footprint projection side, the parameters taken into account to achieve these rankings are :   

  • Display ratio: 100% Smartphone   
  • Viewing ratio: 100% France    
  • Server location: 100% Worldwide

The impact of our videoconferencing uses on mobile and PC! 2022 edition

Reading Time: 5 minutes

We have decided to proceed differently for this year’s ranking 2022. Unlike the 2021 edition, we have reduced the number of applications measured. We have both taken measurements on the phone and also on the PC to meet demand. It is the purpose of these new measures to compare how the solutions stack up in terms of environmental impact (Carbon) on different user scenarios but also on two platforms: PCs and phones.

We compared 10 apps: BlueJeans, Google Meet, Go To Meeting, JITSI, Skype, Teams, Webex, Whereby, Zoho Meetings et Zoom.

For each of its applications, measured on an S7 smartphone (Android 8) and on a computer, the following three scenarios were carried out through our Greenspector Test Runner, allowing manual tests to be carried out over a period of 1 minute in one- one-to-one: :

  • Audio conference only
  • Audio and video conferencing (camera activated on both sides)
  • Audio conferencing and screen sharing

Learn more about the methodology.

Projected ranking in the carbon impact of videoconferencing apps (gEqCO2) on mobile

Scenario / Year1 min audio videoconference1 min audio + camera videoconference1 min audio + screen sharing videoconference
20220.31 gEqCO21.10 gEqCO20.54 gEqCO2
Equivalent in meters travelled in a light vehicle2,76 meters9,82 meters4,82 meters

Audio video conferencing has an average impact of 71% less than cameras active and 42% less than sharing a screen.    

The Top 3 of one minute of videoconference on average: Zoho Meeting (0.49 gEqCO2), Microsoft Teams (0.513 gEqCO2) and Whereby (0.533 gEqCO2). Zoho Meeting, first in this ranking on the carbon impact side, has an impact 2.2 times less than GoToMeeting, the last in this ranking. The average of this ranking is 0.657 gEqCO2, 4 solutions are above.

The main part of the Carbon impacts is on the user device part (61%), followed by the Server part (23%) and finally the Network part (16%).

Here are the three mobile applications with the least impact in terms of Carbon according to the scenario: 

Audio (Top 3)Audio + camera (Top 3)Audio + Screen Sharing (Top 3)
Microsoft TeamsWherebyMicrosoft Teams & Zoho Meeting
Cisco Webex MeetingZoho MeetingZoom & Google Meet
JITSI MeetTeams & ZoomCisco Webex Meeting

Energy consumption of videoconferencing apps (mAh) on mobile

Here are the power consumption averages for the three phone scenarios: 

Scenario / Year1 min audio videoconference1 min audio + camera videoconference1 min audio + screen sharing videoconference
20226.68 mAh14.29 mAh7.82 mAh

A single minute of audio video conference consumes 53% less energy (or 2.1 times less) than with cameras activated, and 14.5% less than sharing a screen.

Energy consumption of videoconferencing apps (mAh) on PC

Here are the computer energy consumption averages:

Average: 1mn of audio videoconferenceAverage: 1mn of audio + camera videoconferenceAverage: 1mn of audio + scree sharing videoconference
17.25 mAh23.65 mAh22.82 mAh

Here, one minute of audio video conferencing consumes 27% less (or 1.4 times less) energy than with cameras activated and 24% less than sharing a screen. Therefore, depending on the scenario, we see a much more significant difference in energy consumption on the telephone.

Zoho Meeting (76.21 mAh), BlueJeans (81.70 mAh) and Microsoft Teams (83 mAh) are the top 3 in energy consumption (all scenarios combined). First in this ranking in terms of energy consumption, Zoho Meeting consumes 1.4 times less energy than the last.

Here are the three mobile applications with the least impact in terms of Carbon according to the scenario: 

Audio (Top 3)Audio + camera (Top 3)Audio + Screen Sharing (Top 3)
Blue JeansZoho MeetingZoho Meeting
Cisco Webex MeetingZoomTeams
Google MeetTeamsBlueJeans

Exchanged data from videoconferencing apps (MB) on mobile

Here are the averages of the data exchanged for the three scenarios:

Scenario / Year1 min audio videoconference1 min audio + camera videoconference1 min audio + screen sharing videoconference
20220,88 MB10,34 MB4,49 MB

Data consumption is where the gap between tools and uses is widening.

On average, one minute of audio video conferencing consumes 91% less (or 12 times less) data exchanged than with activated cameras and 80% less than sharing a screen.

The Top 3 (all scenarios combined) in data exchange: Whereby (4.54 MB), Zoho Meeting (8.39 MB) and Skype (9.68 MB). Whereby (via Firefox) first in this ranking in terms of data exchanged consumes 9.2 times less than the last in this ranking: GoToMeeting.

Here are the three least data-consuming apps according to the scenario:

Audio (Top 3)Audio + camera (Top 3)Audio + Screen Sharing (Top 3)
Blue JeansWherebyZoho Meeting
Zoho MeetingZoho MeetingSkype

For our daily use of videoconferencing: 

In the study carried out in 2021, we indicated that videoconferencing is preferable to travelling by car. Indeed, this solution is less polluting, however, beware of rebound effects! Since the global pandemic, working from home has become widespread in many companies, but this practice encourages more people to live away from their workplaces. As a result, the environmental benefits of working from home can be offset depending on the pace of remote working and the means of transport used.

In addition, it is necessary to draw attention to the increase in energy consumption of the generated hearths. It is possible that this increase might compensate for the drop in energy needs on business premises, but this must be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Measured versions:

  • Microsoft Teams (4.10.1) / computer ( 
  • Zoom (5.10.4) / computer (
  • Google Meet (2022.05.15.450927857) / light version on Firefox
  • Cisco Webex Meetings ( / computer ( 
  • GoToMeeting (4.8.1) / light version on Chrome
  • BlueJeans ( / computer (2.29.1-3) 
  • Skype ( / computer (
  • Whereby (2.3.0) / light client on Firefox
  • Zoho Meeting (2.2.1) / light version on Firefox
  • Jitsi Meet (21.3.0)/ light version on Firefox

For each of its applications, measured on an S7 smartphone (Android 8), user scenarios were carried out using our Greenspector Test Runner, allowing manual tests.

Once the app is downloaded and installed, we run our measurements on the app’s baseline and original settings. No changes are made (even if some options allow you to reduce energy or resource consumption: data saving mode, dark theme, etc. However, we encourage you to check the settings of your favourite application in order to optimize its impact.

The average of five homogeneous measurements (with a low standard deviation) is used for each measurement. The consumption measured on the given smartphone according to a Wi-Fi type network may be different on a laptop PC with a wired network for example. For each of the iterations, the cache is first emptied.

As for computer measurements, the Yocto-Watt from YoctoPuce was used to measure energy consumption. In the same way as for mobile applications, heavy clients, when one existed, were downloaded and then installed without changing the basic parameters. This chip, therefore, only allows you to have energy consumption, which is why the carbon impact and the data exchanged in this article only concern the telephone part. Additional resource on the Yoctopuce.

Find out how Greenspector assesses the environmental footprint of using a digital service. (Full methodology)

What is the environmental footprint of the ten most-visited m-commerce sites and applications in France?

Reading Time: 7 minutes


The e-commerce market in France is experiencing very significant growth. E-commerce sales have increased from 57 billion in 2014 to 112.2 billion euros in 2021. The health crisis is partly responsible for this increase. It has considerably increased online shopping and created habits among the French. Among these sales, those on mobile have experienced impressive growth. They increased by 13% in 2021. Nearly one in two French people (48%) now make purchases via their phones. One in three French people (34%) buys via their phone at least once a month.

Shopping cart abandonment accounts for $18 billion in lost sales every year. Mobile abandonment rates are higher (97%) than desktop abandonment rates (between 70 and 75%). The reasons are multiple: the price, the shipping costs, the speed of delivery, the discounts available, but also the loading time of the site (Source). M-commerce sites and applications, therefore, have every interest in demonstrating performance and digital sobriety.

What about the ten most visited e-commerce sites and applications in France? What are the most frugal sites and applications on which to do your e-shopping in complete sobriety?

Choice of sites and applications

To determine which sites and applications to study, we relied on the ranking of e-commerce sites and applications produced by Médiamétrie and the Fevad (Federation of e-commerce and distance selling). These are the most popular sites and applications in France in the 2nd quarter of 2021.

This study’s distinguishing feature is that it is based on a common scenario that goes from the search and consultation of a product to the consultation of the basket before payment. Thus, we can be as close as possible to the real uses of Internet users and mobile users.

Ranking of the environmental footprint of the ten most popular e-commerce sites in France

The three least impacting sites are Leclerc, Cdiscount et eBay. 

The three most impactful sites are Amazon, Carrefour et Veepee. 

We observe more than 2.7 times more impact between the least impacting site (Leclerc) and the most impacting site (Amazon) in this ranking.

The average carbon impact of these ten websites is 0.92 gEqCO2 for an average duration of the scenario of 1 minute and 54 seconds, i.e. the equivalent of 8 meters travelled in a light vehicle.

Projection of carbon impacts over one month

It is estimated that 55% of global e-commerce traffic is done on mobile devices, compared with 39% on PCs and 6% on tablets (Source).

If we project the carbon impact of these ten e-commerce sites for an average of 37.41 million visits per month lasting 5 minutes and 54 seconds, this impact would be 439.6 tonnes of CO2eq per month (87.5 tonnes on mobile, 341.0 tonnes on PC and 11.1 tonnes on tablet). It is the equivalent of 98 times the circumference of the Earth travelled by light vehicle.

Regarding the best website in this ranking (Leclerc) for 9.99 million visits/month with an average duration of 3 minutes, this impact would be 37.0 tonnes of CO2eq per month (5.9 tonnes on mobile, 30 .3 tons on PC and 0.8 tons on a tablet). It is the equivalent of 8 times the circumference of the Earth travelled by light vehicle.

For the worst website in this ranking (Amazon) with 164,32 million monthly visits and an average duration of 8 minutes, the carbon impact would be 2639.4 tonnes of CO2eq (588.1 tonnes on mobile, 1978.4 tons on PC and 72.9 tons on tablet). It is the equivalent of 588 times the circumference of the Earth travelled by light vehicle.

The Leclerc website stands out especially in terms of the stages of research, viewing a product and viewing the basket. Indeed, this site consumes little energy on these phases compared to its competitors. Only essential information is present on this search page (name of products, price, availability). When viewing the product sheet, customers have the option of adding the item quickly to their basket, and drop-down menus are provided for additional information. Also, this site exchanges the least amount of data to complete the scenario.

 On the search page of a product, many good practices are applied. There are few network exchanges with 12 HTTP requests and a single CSS file. The images are lazy-loaded.

The Amazon website gets its poor ranking mainly from the research and viewing stages of a product. Indeed, this site consumes a lot of energy during these phases, and exchanges a lot of data. There are 9.10 MB of data exchanged for the research phase (compared to 1.03 MB for Leclerc), and 5.58 MB of data exchanged for the product sheet (compared to 0.18 MB for Leclerc). When searching, a lot of information appears (indication “Suggestions”, “Sponsored”, “Amazon Choice” or “No. 1 in sales”, product name, rating, number of reviews, price, reduction, date of delivery). An autoplay advertising video even appears in the middle of the products. When viewing the product, a lot of information also appears (offers, delivery dates in case of free or accelerated delivery, product details, products frequently purchased together…). In addition, the customer is obliged to scroll before being able to access and click on the “Add to cart” button.

Going into more detail on the product search page, there are a lot of network exchanges with 109 HTTP requests and 9 CSS files. The deferred loading (lazy-loading) of images is not applied, which implies a loading of images not visible on the screen. This practice should be avoided because the user will not necessarily scroll to these images.

Ranking of the environmental footprint of the then most popular m-commerce apps in France

The three least impacting apps are eBay, Leclerc et Carrefour. 

The three most impactful apps are Amazon, AliExpress et ManoMano.

We observe more than 2.8 times more impact between the least impacting app (eBay) and the most impactful app (Amazon) in this ranking.

The average carbon impact of these 10 applications is 0.69 gEqCO2 for an average duration of the scenario of 2 minutes and 1 second, i.e. the equivalent of 6 meters travelled in a light vehicle.

The eBay application takes its first place in the phases of launching the application and viewing the basket. Indeed, during these phases, this application consumes little energy. In addition, it exchanges little data over the entire duration of the scenario (only 0.53 MB).

Amazon once again finds itself in last place in the ranking, far behind its competitors. This result can again be explained by the research and visualization phases of the product, where this application consumes much more energy than the others. In terms of data exchanged, we observe 8.22 MB for research (compared to 0.23 MB for eBay) and 2.6 MB for the product sheet (compared to 0.13 MB for eBay).


Whether for the most visited websites or m-commerce applications in France, we see an impact almost three times greater between the soberest platform and the most impactful one.

It shows that by managing the information visible on the screen, the loading of images, the consumption of scripts and the data exchanged during the scenario differently, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact of a website and a mobile app.

As an e-shopper using his mobile, it is better to go through applications than websites. Indeed, websites have an average impact of 39% more on the scenario studied. Only AliExpress has a higher consumption on the app than on the website. However, applications have an effect on their download and updates. They are therefore to be preferred only in the event of regular orders.

In terms of digital sobriety, nothing will equal buying food products at the market and other products from local traders, of course!


Ranking of the 10 most popular websites in France

WebsitesURLEnergy consumption (mAh)Exchanged Data (Mo)Carbon Impact (gEqCO2)Water footprint (Litres)Surface footprint (cm²)Scenario duration (seconds)
Leclerc 11,57 2,59 0,61 0,10 1,29 102.72
Cdiscount 13,49 2,62 0,69 0,13 1,50 108.03
eBay 14,00 3,96 0,78 0,14 1,58 122.24
Leroy Merlin 15,47 3,15 0,80 0,14 1,72 112.67
AliExpress 14,84 3,89 0,80 0,13 1,67 114.46
ManoMano 13,60 6,30 0,87 0,14 1,56 107.33
Fnac 16,88 4,20 0,90 0,15 1,90 118.37
Veepee 14,50 8,19 1,00 0,16 1,68 114.95
Carrefour 20,25 4,14 1,04 0,19 2,25 118.8
Amazon 19,04 18,06 1,68 0,24 2,29 123.84

Ranking of the 10 most popular apps in France

Applications Version Energy consumption (mAh)Exchanged Data (Mo)Carbon Impact (gEqCO2)Water footprint (Litres)Surface footprint (m²)Scenario duration (seconds)
eBay 11,69 0,53 0,51 0,09 1,27 119,73
Carrefour 14.4.3 11,67 0,57 0,52 0,10 1,29 108,64
LeclercDrive 15.2.0 11,97 0,45 0,52 0,10 1,30 128,01
Leroy Merlin 7.12.3 12,95 0,51 0,55 0,11 1,41 115,84
Cdiscount 1.43.0-twa 13,81 0,04 0,58 0,11 1,49 115,44
Fnac 5.2.7 12,78 1,14 0,59 0,11 1,41 128,84
Veepee 5.24.2 12,17 2,32 0,63 0,11 1,35 114,47
ManoMano 1.15.2 15,48 0,26 0,65 0,12 1,69 124,59
AliExpress 8.44.0 17,55 2,33 0,84 0,17 1,94 123,71
Amazon Shopping 19,74 12,86 1,46 0,22 2,31 126,03

For each site and each application, measured on a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (Android 9), the measurements were carried out using scripts using the GDSL (Greenspector Domain-Specific Language) language. This language makes it possible to automate actions to be carried out on a telephone. The measurements were taken between March 29 and April 1, 2022.

Detail of the scenario common to the 20 measures:
-Launch of the site or application
-30 second pause on the homepage
-Search for a product using the search bar, then view the products on offer
-Selection of a product, then visualization of its characteristics (details, opinions, etc.)
-Adding the product to the cart
-30 second pause on the shopping cart page

Each measurement is the average of 5 homogeneous measurements (with a low standard deviation). The consumption measured on the given smartphone according to a wifi type network may be different on a laptop PC with a wired network for example. For each of the iterations on the websites, the cache is first emptied.

On the projection side of the footprint, the parameters taken into account to carry out these classifications are:

Viewing Ratio: 100% Smartphone
Viewing ratio: 100% France
Server location: 100% World

Find out how Greenspector assesses the environmental footprint of a digital service.

What is the environmental footprint for social media applications? 2021 Edition

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We updated this study in 2023, the new version is available here :

The use of social networking-type mobile applications is increasing every year. Like the professional use of videoconferencing tools, these uses have put additional pressure on the network and the servers of these solutions.

How do the players take the environmental impact into account in their strategy? What are the impacts of our activities on social networks? What are the most/least impacting solutions for the environment, network congestion and the autonomy of our smartphones?

For this study, we chose to measure the news feed of the 10 most popular social media applications: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter, and Youtube. These applications are different in terms of functionality. We have chosen to compare them in terms of carbon impact, consumption of energy and data exchanged.

For each of its applications, measured on an S7 smartphone (Android 8), the scenario for scrolling the news feed was carried out through our Greenspector Test Runner, allowing manual tests to be carried out over 1 minute in one-to-one. Learn more about the methodology and How does Greenspector assess the environmental footprint of digital service use.

Projected ranking in the carbon impact of social network applications newsfeed (g EqCO2)

ApplicationThe carbon impact of newsfeed/min2021 Rank2020 EvolutionWater ResourceLand Use
Youtube0.46 gEqCO2/min1=0.08 Liters0.92 m²
Twitch0.55 gEqCO2/min2+30.09 Liters1.01 m²
Twitter0.60 gEqCO2/min3 +1 0.10 Liters1.14 m²
LinkedIn0.71 gEqCO2/min4-10.10 Liters1.00 m²
Facebook0.79 gEqCO2/min5-30.12 Liters1.38 m²
Snapchat0.87 gEqCO2/min6+10.12 Liters1.29 m²
Instagram1.05 gEqCO2/min7-10.12 Liters1.03 m²
Pinterest1.30 gEqCO2/min8=0.15 Liters1.25 m²
Reddit2.48 gEqCO2/min9=0.23 Liters1.35 m²
TikTok2.63 gEqCO2/min10=0.27 Liters1.88 m²

According to the Global Web Index July 2021, we spend an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes on social networks, i.e. +2 minutes compared to 2019. If we project the average carbon impact of the 10 applications measured (1.15 gEqCO2) out of 60 seconds to the average time spent per user, we obtain for one user/day: 165.6 gEqCO2. It is the equivalent of 1.4 km in a light vehicle. It also corresponds to 60 kgEqCO2 per user per year, or the equivalent of 535 km travelled in an average light vehicle in France. It is equivalent to 1% of the carbon impact of a French (7 Tons).

In May 2021, the number of active users of social networks stood at 4.33 billion (55.1% of the world population), or + 35% compared to 2019. 99% access social networks on a mobile device. 80% of the time (2 hours and 24 minutes) on social networks is spent on a mobile device. If we project our carbon/user impact to these data, we obtain 262 million Tons EqCO2 per year for the 4.33 billion mobile users, i.e. the equivalent of 0.61% of the EqCO2 impacts in the world in 2019 and more than half of France’s carbon emissions (56%).

Energy consumption of social media applications newsfeed (mAh)

ApplicationEnergy Consumption of newsfeed/min2021 Rank 2020 Evolution
Youtube8.58 mAh1=
Instagram8.9 mAh2+5
LinkedIn8.92 mAh3-1
Twitch9.05 mAh4-1
Twitter10.28 mAh5+1
Pinterest10.83 mAh6+2
Reddit11.04 mAh7-4
Snapchat11.48 mAh8+2
Facebook12.36 mAh9-5
TikTok15.81 mAh10-1

When it comes to energy consumption, the news feeds for Snapchat, Facebook and TikTok apps are the worst performers. Good students on the energy side are Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn. The TikTok news feed here consumes 1.8 times more power than Youtube‘s.

The average established for energy consumption is 10.73 mAh or + 1.2% compared to our 2020 ranking.

Data exchanged from social network applications newsfeed (MB)

ApplicationExchanged Data on newsfeed/min2021 Rank2020 Evolution
Youtube3.09 MB1=
Twitter6.28 MB2+2
Twitch6.87 MB3+2
Facebook11.15 MB4-2
LinkedIn15.34 MB5-2
Snapchat17.26 MB6+1
Instagram32.46 MB7-1
Pinterest40.65 MB8=
TikTok96.23 MB9+1
Reddit100 MB10-1

In terms of the exchanged data, the bad guys are the news feeds of the Reddit, TikTok and Pinterest apps. The good students in terms of data exchanged are Youtube, Twitter and Twitch. Reddit consumes 32 times more data than the Youtube app.

The average established for the data exchanged is 32.93 MB for this use, or 71% more compared to the 2020 edition. Only 3 applications are above this threshold. Watch out for your data plans! Projection in 1 month, you will have consumed 142 Go!

Taking into account the average time spent on the social networks according to the Visionary Marketing blog: if you only use Tik Tok (up to 52 minutes per projected day), you will consume nearly 149 GB per month. While Instagram (up to 53 minutes per day) will make you consume 51 GB! Are you more into Facebook? It will make you consume nearly 19 GB (up to 58 minutes per day) per month.

Pour chacune de ses applications, mesurées sur un smartphone S7 (Android 8), le scénario suivant a été réalisé au travers de notre Greenspector Test Runner, permettant la réalisation de tests manuels sur une durée de 1 minute en one-to-one.

  • Launch the application (wait 20 seconds)
  • Scroll through the news feed or the “Discover” tab of the applications
ApplicationVersionDownloadsGoogle Playstore Grade
YouTube16.40.3510 000 000 000+4,3
LinkedIn4.1.627.1500 000 000+4,3
Reddit2021.41.050 000 000+4,3
Facebook340. 000 000 000+2,6
Twitch11.7.0100 000 000+4,5
Twitter9.16.11 000 000 000+3,5
Instagram210. 000 000 000+3,8
Pinterest9.35.0500 000 000+4,6
TikTok21.6.51 000 000 000+4,4
Snapchat11.50.0.291 000 000 000+4,2

Each measurement is the average of 3 homogeneous measurements (with a low standard deviation). The measured consumption on the smartphone according to a wifi type network can be different on a laptop PC with a wired network. For each of the iterations, the cache is first emptied.

Discover how does Greenspector assess the environmental footprint of digital service use .