Category: News

What is the environmental impact of local AI on our smartphones?

Reading Time: 7 minutes


Imagine a virtual assistant capable of writing an e-mail, translating a text or solving a complex equation, directly from your phone, without ever sending your data over the Internet. That’s the promise of local AIs like Apple Intelligence, Gemini Nano or Galaxy AI. These models offer undeniable advantages in terms of latency and privacy, but at what price?

Running these algorithms directly on your device requires considerable hardware resources and energy consumption. This computational intensity impacts not only your battery life, but also the lifespan of existing smartphones. So should we be worried about the rise of local AI, even more so than server-based AI?

This article focuses on the energy impact of local AI on our smartphones for a specific use case. It will be followed by complementary analyses of other uses, such as text generation or audio and image processing (object detection, image segmentation, voice recognition…).

With the help of Greenspector Studio, we were able to measure the time and energy used to respond to us for different language models, both local and remote, in order to gauge the impact of this technological forcing1 on our batteries.


Measurement context

  •     Samsung Galaxy S10, Android 12  
  •     Network: off for local model / Wi-Fi for ChatGPT and Gemini  
  •     Brightness: 50 %  
  •     Tests run over a minimum of 5 iterations to ensure reliability of results
  •     App package local IA: us.valkon.privateai
    • Context size: 4096 tokens 
    • Framework : Llama.cpp 
    • Hardware preference: CPU 
  •     App package ChatGPT : com.openai.chatgpt 
  •     App package Gemini :

Models tested locally (via privateAI) :

For each test, a new conversation was initiated, and then 5 questions (called prompts) were asked of the model:

  1. You’re an expert in digital eco-design. All your answers will be 300 characters long. What are the three fundamental principles for optimizing performance data consumption and energy in Android applications? 
  2. Develop the first principle 
  3. Develop the second principle 
  4. Develop the third principle 
  5. Conclude our exchange 

Response time

One of the determining factors for the user experience is response time. In addition to this, our smartphone won’t be able to go into standby mode, and therefore save energy, while the response is being generated. We were able to measure this response generation time, from the moment the prompt is sent, to the last character of the response. Here are the results for the three models studied:

Local models:

ModelsNumber of model parametersAverage response time (s)Total response time (s)
Llama 3.2 1,24 billion25,9129,5
Gemma 2 2,61 billions37,9189,5
Qwen 2.5 7,62 billions54,2271
Performance Comparison of Local AI Models: Parameters, Average Response Time and Total Response Time

These data highlight a clear trend: the more parameters a model contains, the longer it takes to generate a response. For example, the Llama 3.2 model, with its 1.24 billion parameters, delivers an average response in 25.9 seconds. Qwen 2.5, on the other hand, is much more voluminous, with 7.62 billion parameters, and has an average response time of 54.2 seconds – more than twice as long.

Remote models

While local AI models offer significant advantages, particularly in terms of privacy protection, their speed is far less impressive when compared with models deployed on remote servers:

ModelsAverage response time (s)Total response time (s)
Gemini 4,9724,85
ChatGPT 5,929,5
Performance Comparison of Distant AI Models: Average Response Time and Total Response Time

The results show a clear superiority of remote models in terms of speed. For example, ChatGPT, hosted on optimized servers, delivers an average response time of just 5.9 seconds, more than four times faster than Llama 3.2, the fastest local model tested. Gemini, with an average response time of 4.97 seconds, confirms this trend.

This difference is not limited to response time. In addition to placing longer demands on our devices, and thus delaying the return to standby, the local execution of AI models also impacts the energy consumption of devices. These response times suggest that response generation places the terminal under an intense workload, and therefore a high battery drain. To better understand this impact, we measured the rate of battery discharge during model response.

Battery discharge speed

For reference, a Samsung Galaxy S10, with brightness at 50%, without wifi and with a black background displayed on the screen, consumes around 36 µAh/s. We have measured other use cases to obtain equivalents. The Galaxy S10 is equipped with a 3,400 mAh battery.

Average discharge speed over 30 s (µAh/s)
Open Private AI application, no interaction70
Open Gemini application, no interaction75
Watching a YouTube video without sound (Rave Crab)88
Open ChatGPT application, no interaction92
Light game (Subway Surfers)105
Video recording233
Heavy game (3DMARK Wild Life benchmark)427
Battery discharge on a Samsung Galaxy S10: Comparison according to use
Graph of Galaxy S10 discharge speeds according to use: the most consuming uses are video recording and heavy gaming.

Battery discharge on a Samsung Galaxy S10: Comparison according to use

Here we can see that the ChatGPT application consumes slightly more than the other AI applications, and even more than YouTube. The most consuming uses are video recording and our 3DMARK Wild Life benchmark, which reflects mobile games based on short periods of intense activity, with a resolution of 2560×1440.

Local models

Running AI models directly on a smartphone is not just a question of speed, it also raises questions about energy consumption. Tests show that local models consume a significant amount of energy, directly influencing the autonomy of devices, and indirectly their lifespan. Here are the results observed during answer generation:

ModelsAverage observed discharge rate (µAh/s)Battery discharge (mAh)Total response time (s)
Llama 3.2 53569,3129,5
Gemma 2 52299189,5
Qwen 2.5 435118,1271
Performance Comparison of Local AI Models: Battery Discharge Rate, Battery Discharge and Total Response Time

These figures reveal an interesting trend: although the Qwen 2.5 model is the most demanding in terms of number of parameters (7.62 billion), it has a lower average discharge rate (435 µAh/s) than the Llama 3.2 (535 µAh/s) and Gemma 2 (522 µAh/s) models. However, its total battery discharge over one run remains the highest at 118.1 mAh, due to the longer processing time. From a battery point of view, using a local model is at least as draining as running 3DMARK’s Wild Life benchmark.

With its reference consumption (terminal switched on, black screen background, brightness at 50%, no WiFi), we estimate that our phone’s battery is completely discharged in over 26h. Using these models, it discharges in 2h10min using Qwen 2.5 (i.e. around 143 responses), which will divide your autonomy by 12, 1h48m with Gemma 2 (i.e. around 171 responses), which will divide your autonomy by more than 14 and 1h45min with Llama 3.2 (i.e. around 245 responses), which will divide your autonomy by 15. Using a large local language model will reduce your smartphone’s autonomy by a factor of between 12 and 15.

When we look at the discharge speeds of the various prompts, we see that the latter decreases with each successive prompt. There are several possible explanations for this, such as software optimizations or hardware limitations. However, in the absence of measurement advantages, it is difficult to state with certainty the exact cause of this phenomenon. We’ll come back to these hypotheses in the next article.

Graph of battery discharge rate as a function of prompt: for all three models, consumption is decreasing

Step-by-Step Comparison of Battery Discharge Rates for Local Models

This high battery discharge correlates with very high CPU utilization, as can be seen in the graph below.

Battery discharge and CPU utilization over time

Battery discharge (white) and process CPU (orange) on a Samsung Galaxy S10 for a Llama 3.2 response – Greenspector Workshop

Remote models

This impact on the battery is all the more significant when compared with cloud-based models:

ModelsAverage observed discharge rate (µAh/s)Battery discharge (mAh)Total response time (s
Gemini 1323,224,85
ChatGPT 1203,329,5
Performance Comparison of Distant AI Models: Battery Discharge Speed, Battery Discharge and Total Response Time

We can see that for our route, using a remote model discharges our battery between 21 and 37 times less than a local model. We can then load more than 5170 responses from Gemini (i.e. 7h7min) or 4789 responses from ChatGPT (i.e. 7h51min) with a full battery.

Graph of Galaxy S10 discharge speeds according to usage: using ChatGPT and Gemini consumes more than a light game. Using local models consumes more than a heavy game.

Battery discharge on a Samsung Galaxy S10: Comparison according to use

The graph above shows a clear distinction between remote AI models (green) and local models (orange) in terms of energy consumption. Surprisingly, remote models still consume more energy than watching a YouTube video or playing a light game, even though they transmit only a small amount of data and require minimal computation on the device side, apart from the progressive display of text. Local models, on the other hand, show significantly higher energy consumption, exceeding that of all other uses tested, including intensive tasks such as heavy gaming or video recording.

These results highlight the significant energy impact of AI models running locally on smartphones, posing a real challenge for device autonomy as well as battery life in a context of prolonged and recurring use.


As we’ve shown, the privacy gains offered by local AI models are accompanied by a significant impact on energy consumption, due to the intense demands placed on the CPU of our smartphones. Designed to operate in the background without explicit user intervention (automatic responses, e-mail summaries, translations, etc.), these models constantly mobilize the device’s resources, accelerating battery discharge. As batteries are consumable components capable of enduring between 500 and 1,000 full charge/discharge cycles2, this over-consumption of energy leads to premature wear and tear. In the long term, this has a significant ecological impact, with more frequent replacement of the terminal or its battery.

We realize that running a large language model (LLM) locally is not a realistic use case on a large scale. However, the trend adopted by operating system manufacturers and publishers is a cause for concern. Faced with new demands for local AI, they are seeking to compensate for current limitations by increasing the computing power of terminals with dedicated gas pedals and higher-capacity batteries. However, the latency times observed on standard market devices, often deemed “uncomfortable” for the end-user, are likely to precipitate the renewal of smartphones towards higher performance models. A development that could increase the environmental impact of manufacturing new terminals.

Our initial measurements thus indicate that integrating local AI simply shifts the energy footprint from servers to user devices, with potentially heavier environmental consequences than AI running in the cloud.

In the next section, we’ll explore ways of reducing the energy impact of these models by comparing different hardware configurations (presence of a dedicated gas pedal, optimization of architectures) and software. For developers and manufacturers, the challenge will be to strike a balance between power, speed and energy efficiency. Optimizing algorithms to minimize power consumption without compromising response quality could be the key to making these technologies viable on a large scale.

At a time when one in three French people considers a flat battery to be a real phobia3, are we ready to sacrifice our autonomy, accelerate the wear and tear of our batteries, or prematurely change our smartphone while our device is still functional – all in the name of comfort and privacy?

To find out more …

For more information on AI and how it works we recommend . For more information on frugal AI we recommend the resources available here:

  1. ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. ↩︎

Innovation – the first energy meter for iOS from Greenspector!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This is great news we’re sharing with you today, but it’s also a global innovation!

You all already knew that Greenspector could remotely measure energy and IT resources consumed on real devices in our device lab, web and Android mobile applications.

You all already knew that Greenspector had the ability to measure energy and IT resource consumption on IPhone, IOS or web mobile applications. But we still lacked a crucial step in our SaaS offering… to integrate it into our device lab and make it autonomous for you!

Well, now it’s done, after a great deal of R&D, improvements to our automation devices for IOS and testing of measurement reliability, … the IPhone measurement device is now ready to receive your journeys to help you better understand energy consumption and environmental impacts, and you’ll be able to ..:

  • For any web or IOS application (native or hybrid)
  • Automate your routes (iso function, same GDSL language as Android or web)
  • Measure on a real Iphone without prior installation
  • Measure energy consumption, data and route performance, step by step
  • And of course, project all this in terms of multi-criteria environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of the digital service being measured.

Measuring the energy consumption of an IOS-based digital service on a bench remote from real devices is quite simply… UNIQUE!

Would you like to test the solution on your IPhone? Ask us for a demo or for direct access to the Greenspector Studio Saas demo-test.

Contact us!

Publication of the W3C Web Sustainability Guidelines

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium: official website is an organisation that defines web standards (such as the technical elements governing the operation of HTML, for example) and guidelines. It was founded by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994.

As part of the Responsible Digital Initiative, the W3C is best known for its publication of the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: These rules for web content accessibility are a worldwide reference. In particular, they serve as the basis for the RGAA (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité: ), which in turn serves as the basis for the introduction of regulations on this subject in France.

Providing a framework for digital sobriety

Digital sobriety and the eco-design of digital services are becoming increasingly important, but it is difficult to define the framework for their application. In France, the legislative context is becoming increasingly clear, in particular via the REEN law (Réduction de l’Empreinte Environnementale du Numérique: ) and the RGESN (Référentiel Général d’Ecoconception de Services Numériques: ).

We will be coming back to this legislative framework in the very near future to provide you with a summary and outlook.

Nevertheless, we were very enthusiastic when W3C announced its intention to work on the subject of ecodesign in a concrete way ( I was lucky enough to take part in this working group (with Thierry Leboucq). The aim was to produce guidelines so that standards could subsequently be defined. It was an opportunity to meet some great people and compare digital sobriety practices with experts from all over the world. Well done to Tim Frick and Alexander Dawson for overseeing all this, and to all those who contributed to the sub-groups dedicated to specific themes:

  • UX Design
  • Web Development
  • Hosting & Infrastructure (which I monitored)
  • Product & Business Strategy
  • Metrics

The official release of a first version of the Web Sustainability Guidelines opens up this work to everyone: It contains 93 recommendations and 232 success criteria. All this is in line with the GRI standards (Global Reporting Initiative: ).

What happens next?

The publication of the WSGs represents a historic milestone in the application of digital sobriety to the web. But let’s not forget that this is just the beginning. The main purpose of this publication is to gather feedback from experts and then to see how this framework can be defined even more precisely. It is also hoped that this work will serve as a basis for wider adoption of the subject, so that countries can use it to define a legislative framework. This foundation also appears to be essential for training and raising awareness on the subject, but also as a support for initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of websites.

At Greenspector, we intend to continue contributing to these guidelines, in particular by providing feedback based on our practical experience of the eco-design of digital services. Very soon, these guidelines will be incorporated into the best practices on which we rely on a daily basis, as well as into the eco-design awareness-raising sessions that we offer.

In this way, we will be able to see in more detail how WSGs can be reconciled with existing reference systems (mainly RGESN and RG491).

Press Release: NOWU and Greenspector take next step in collaboration

Reading Time: 4 minutes

NOWU, France Televisions’ environmental media, is accelerating its sobriety with the Greenspector solution, to go further in the eco-design of its media. After a first work on the evaluation and the reduction of the environmental impact during the creation of the NOWU media, the Digital Direction of France Televisions now wishes to go to a new step in the collaboration with Greenspector. Initially, the Greenspector solution will be deployed and managed by the NOWU team.

December 1, 2022 in Paris

A first stage of collaboration between France Télévisions and Greenspector

NOWU’s goal is to be able to assess and reduce its impact during the usage phase. Greenspector had already assisted the project team with its partner EcoAct to conduct this assessment, train the teams in best practices and identify recommendations.

A new step: France Televisions decides to integrate the Greenspector solution into NOWU’s digital creation process

NOWU and France Televisions decided to acquire a solution to help teams manage their eco-design process. The continuous assessment tool is present at all stages of the project’s design and development. After a study and a competition of the solutions on the market, France Televisions chose the Greenspector solution for a first deployment on the NOWU media.

What were the main reasons for choosing Greenspector for NOWU and for France Télévisions in general?

“Greenspector has the advantage of being able to address different technologies in its digital services (Web and mobile), to perform a physical measurement on real devices without prior installation and closer to the reality of the service uses. It is also a player recognized for its expertise and solutions, the French leader for over 12 years with whom we have already worked. We are also considering deploying this solution beyond the NOWU media”.

France Télévisions reaffirms its ambition to develop an eco-responsible media.

Through this first project, France Télévisions intends to become a benchmark for the eco-responsibility of digital services in the media field.

What is NOWU’s goal in this new partnership?

“With NOWU, our ambition is to be a benchmark eco-friendly media brand in Europe. In order to be in perfect harmony with our editorial positioning and our values, we want to show a new approach to the group’s digital services. As a public service player, it seems essential to us to position ourselves as a pioneer of responsible digital, concerned about the carbon footprint of its digital activities.”
Gautier CURTIL, Director of the NOWU offering

Greenspector is positioning itself as a key player in the eco-design of digital services through its analysis and measurement solutions. Through this new collaboration with the France Televisions Group, Greenspector illustrates the growing expectations of organizations towards eco-design. In this way, digital sobriety measurement approaches enable them to take action and reduce their impacts. This is especially true for massively used digital services such as media.

“We are delighted to continue our collaboration with the NOWU teams and to be able to give them the ability to manage this process in total autonomy via our expert solutions. For Greenspector, this is a great first step and we are proud to support a great project that promotes ecological values for youth. It is also a great opportunity to deploy our solutions more widely and thus help the France Televisions Group in the decarbonization of its digital activities.”
Thierry LEBOUCQ, president of Greenspector.

About NOWU

NOWU is France Télévisions’ environmental media, to be launched in the fall of 2021. It is a service media that offers the young generation of 15-35 year olds concrete solutions and tools to take part in the fight against global warming and environmental issues.
With an optimistic and guilt-free tone, NOWU’s content focuses on three main areas:

About France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the leading French audiovisual group in terms of audience (29.1% audience share in the 4+ age group in 2021) and includes :

  • 1 video platform and a full range of themed digital offerings (news, youth, sports, culture, education, overseas)
  • 4 national television channels: France 2, France 3, France 4/Culturebox, France 5
  • 1 global continuous news medium on all media: France info
  • 2 networks: 24 regional antennas in metropolitan France (France 3) and 9 global TV/radio/web media in overseas (les 1ère)

France Televisions occupies a preponderant place in the French audiovisual landscape: 4 out of 5 French people watch France Televisions every week, on all screens.
France Télévisions in pictures, it’s here | More information :

About Greenspector

Greenspector is a French pioneer in digital responsibility since 2010. Its technological innovations are made available to professionals via SaaS software tools and expert services. They enable the control and reduction of the environmental impact of mobile and web digital services and more broadly of any connected object. The innovation of the solution lies in a measurement that automatically reproduces user paths on real remote devices without prior installation. The solution is certified by the Solar Impulse label.

Greenspector has been selected to participate in the L’Oréal Beauty Tech Atelier program at STATION F

Reading Time: < 1 minute

L’Oréal is partnering with STATION F and the HEC Paris Incubator to create an accelerator for start-ups in the world’s largest start-up campus.

Greenspector X L’Oréal Beauty Tech Atelier

The L’Oréal Beauty Tech Atelier represents, among others, 67 startups accelerated since 2018, 55% international startups and 30% of structures with impactful solutions.

“We are delighted and very proud to join the BeautyTech accelerator programme. For Greenspector, it’s the continuation of work already done to support the L’Oréal Group’s Digital teams in measuring and reducing the environmental impact of the Group’s digital web, mobile and IoT services. It is also an opportunity to structure and strengthen our project within the framework of the HEC Paris Incubator. A real opportunity for the scalability of our project. Thank you! and … GO GREEN!” says Thierry LEBOUCQ, President of Greenspector.

We are also proud to see the growing commitment to societal and environmental issues. The programme is far from just us in the Tech4Good category.  

Digital sobriety at Greenspector 

Reading Time: 6 minutes

As we talk more and more about digital sobriety, it’s important to come-back to this notion. Especially it’s a part of greenspector activity. 


Digital sobriety is a global approach of digital, respectful of the earth and people. 

Since few years, this topic takes more and more extent. We see this notion almost everywhere but often limited in consideration of environmental impact. For many Eco-design has been the gateway into the digital sobriety. 

  • Eco-design and digital environment impact consideration 
  • Digital accessibility and inclusion 
  • Attention economy 
  • Respect for personal data and privacy protection  
  • Cybersecurity 
  • Ethics 
  • Low tech and fight against technological solutionism
Eco-design and digital environment impact consideration

Various aspects of digital sobriety 

Environmental impact consideration plays a crucial role in digital services. Beyond resources consumption related to their use (for example, energy needful to charge the battery), these services affect the user’s equipment: battery and components wear, memory and system surcharge… Those impacts motivate early change of latest and newer equipment. 

However, today, the manufacturing of those equipments represents the phase of digital services with the greatest impact on the environment. It suits to create websites, mobile applications, and other digital services with as low impact as possible.  

That’s why the repositories have been increasing. Examples include the GR491 of INRthe RGESN of DINUMthe 115 best practices or OPQUAST.   

Add to this the law REEN as well as tools for evaluating the impact of digital services 

Finally, we observe that the subject is gaining momentum and structuration. We can only delight even though there is a long way to go. 

The benefits for users and companies are considerable. Overall, this approach improves the user experience (and in particular performance) as well as reduces development, maintenance and hosting costs. Similarly, the adoption of eco-design leads to the development of expertise, an improvement in brand image and constitutes a factor of attractiveness for customers but also for future employees 

As a result, an eco-designed digital service will often have a smaller scope, which will facilitate its security, its compliance for accessibility and will tend to restrict the personal data collected.

personal data collected

Eco-design also tends to ignore mechanisms aimed at capturing attention (infinite scroll, autoplay of videos, excessive notifications, etc.). This also constitutes an ethical advance: the user is no longer just a consumer who must be retained by all possible means. We gain their trust and support by first providing them with quality service, tailored to their expectations. 

Finally, by placing the user at the center of considerations, digital sobriety tends to avoid technological solutionism. This will avoid (among other things) going to digital services when it does not seem necessary. Sometimes a good old SMS can replace a website or a mobile application: a low-tech solution can meet user needs just as well (sometimes even better). 

At a time when more and more services (including public ones) are becoming digital, the accessibility of digital services is a central subject, in a process of inclusion and access to services for all. Unfortunately, this important subject does not yet receive all the attention it needs, although many tools exist and are being developed. The standard (RGAA) is now in its fourth version and the legislative framework extends to public structures as well as companies whose turnover exceeds 250 million euros. It offers a concrete approach to WCAG: a complete panel of W3C recommendations for accessible web content. Verification tools are numerous, even if they are not sufficient to verify all the criteria. 

Yet, even today, 97.4% of the most used websites have at least one accessibility errorThe compliance with administrative procedures is also far from what one might expect. Accessibility nevertheless remains an essential subject for digital sobriety technology and contributes to ensuring the usability of digital services as well as their sustainability.   

Beyond the penalties incurred by companies in the event of non-compliance with obligations, the benefits of this approach are numerous : 

  • Ensure that everyone can access the services and information offered under good conditions. 
  • Reach as wide an audience as possible, in particular via the curb cut effect
  • Develop internal expertise (retention of employees and attractiveness for recruitment). 

The attention economy is a field relatively little known as such, although it is already deeply rooted in our daily lives. These are all the mechanisms (design, design, functional, and others) that make us addicted to our smartphones and certain apps. We are talking here about captological mechanisms (or deceptive patterns): infinite scroll, notifications, modals, autoplay, etc. Through these design choices, the time spent on our mobiles increases, and our attention span decreases. The stake around our attention is above all financial. All this is detailed in the book The Goldfish Civilization and structures such as Designers Ethiques have already taken up the subject

This problem is all the more fundamental since we find ourselves faced with tools designed to spend as much time as possible on them, even though their use has a non-negligible environmental impact (via the wear and tear of the terminals, their energy consumption but also by ultimately pushing consumerist behavior, in particular through massive exposure to advertisements). It should be noted that in addition to these harmful impacts on the environment and the individual, there are ethical considerations since this system often results in greater collection of personal data. 

Regarding personal data, the question is not new, but the implementation of the GDPR was an important turning point. The aim here is to regulate the capture and storage of personal data of European citizens but also by European companies. This complex subject is particularly linked to micro-targeting (targeted advertising based on data collected on the Internet user) and is all the more dizzying in that it involves companies buying and reselling personal data (data brokers, all against a background of surveillance and political issues as in the case of Cambridge Analytica). More recently, the subject of personal data has returned to discussions following the questioning of the use of Google Analytics and Google Fonts, particularly in France. Not to mention the leaks of personal data that occur very regularly.   

Cybersecurity is present everywhere, through security breaches and other incidents that we hear about regularly. Today, it would seem aberrant or even irresponsible to offer a digital service that is not secure. However, this area requires many skills as well as constant monitoring. Again, digital sobriety can reduce the attack surface of a digital service. In return, care must be taken to ensure that the protection of the user does not force him to update his applications and software too often, under penalty of tending towards software obsolescence. Likewise, open source makes it possible, via total transparency, to prevent the presence of vulnerabilities. 

Ethics is a complex but necessary subject in the digital field. It is often at the heart of discussions, especially on the vast subject of algorithms and machine learning, for example in the case of self-driving cars. In order to design a digital respectful of individuals, the question of ethics is inseparable. 

Finally, technological solutionism, largely theorized by Evgeny Morozov, warns that digital is not always an appropriate solution. This awareness is all the more essential when we seek to reduce the environmental impact of digital technology.

Digital sobriety as part of the Greenspector’s work.

At Greenspector, digital sobriety is at the heart of our business. Even if our primary concern remains the reduction of the environmental impacts of digital services, all this is accompanied by considerations related to digital sobriety technology. The inextricable links between the different aspects of this subject mean that it is essential to guarantee a global approach so as not to miss an area for improvement, or even to avoid providing a recommendation that would harm the users in one way or another (deterioration of accessibility, security risk, etc.). If the impact is not always directly measurable or the seemingly minimal gain from the point of view of sobriety, other axes such as accessibility, the absence of captological mechanisms, and respect for privacy will contribute to making a more resilient product. This is why (and this is just one example among many), we encourage our customers not to directly integrate content from third-party services such as Youtube, Twitter, and others.

For this, Greenspector supports its customers in the eco-design of products throughout the life cycle of the project, but also in the measurement of consumption and the monitoring of impacts over time, in addition (for example) to an improvement process. These are the principles that we also apply to our own products.

In order to work for a digital system that respects people and the planet, it seems essential to apply these values right down to the proposed working framework: allow everyone the possibility of teleworking as much as necessary, insist on the right to disconnect and give everyone the opportunity to adapt their schedules to their own needs. There is also the desire to free up time for everyone to carry out digital monitoring, to create spaces to share the results of this monitoring and to support the development of skills.

Resources to go further

The resources to become aware of digital sobriety are multiplying, but here are already two good starting points : 

Catch us at the SNCF Village at Viva Technology on June 17 and 18, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Greenspector will be present for the fourth time at the Viva Technology 2022 event on June 15 and 16, within the SNCF Village. We are proud to have been selected by SNCF, one of the event’s partners.

With more than 26,000 participants in person, 114,000 online, 8,000 startups and 149 countries represented, Viva Technology is the unmissable digital innovation event for startups and investors. The Orange Lab is part of the event’s DNA. It is a place of exchange, innovation and meetings between industries and startups.

After the 2018 edition, an opportunity for us is to present our digital services sobriety solution and its benefits in terms of performance, user experience, and reduction of environmental impact. We will also present our Digital Sobriety Certificate. The Digital Sobriety Certificate allows you to verify, evaluate and certify the sobriety of your applications and websites.

The SNCF conference program in collaboration with Greenspector:

  • Reducing the digital carbon footprint – Saturday, June 18 at 10:15 a.m.
    Speakers: Mellie LAROQUE and Thomas CORVAISIER
    – The SNCF Connect teams worked with Greenspector to measure and reduce the CO2 emissions of one of the leading e-commerce sites in France. They will present their approach and the results obtained.
  • Cosmo or an eco-responsible project thought out from start to finish – Friday, June 17 at 9:30 a.m.
    Speakers: Laurent JUVÉ and Thomas CORVAISIER
    – COSMO (COntrôle et Service en MOBILité) is the tool for boarding at the station and for control and regularization on board. It consists of mobile devices (smartphone, mPOS and printer) and several Android applications. Throughout the project, its managers sought to integrate the principles of eco-design. A look back at a great use case: from purchasing to responsible software development.

Thomas CORVAISIER, CEO of Greenspector “We are delighted with this invitation to Vivatech. It will be an opportunity to highlight the collaborations between SNCF and Greenspector for a more responsible digital. For several years, we have been supporting SNCF Voyageurs (application and on-board control equipment), SNCF Réseau (business applications and terminals for field agents), CRM Services (websites and mobile applications), and more recently SNCF Connect&Tech in the overhaul of the well-known application. The SNCF is committed to more responsible digital technology, and we are proud to help it along this path.”

Meet us on-site at booth D09-035, from Friday 17 to Saturday 18 June. We will answer all your questions. Contact us now to schedule an appointment. Are you a partner of the event and want to assess the environmental footprint of your digital service? Contact us.

Let’s meet at the Orange Innovation Lab at Viva Technology on June 15 and 16, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Greenspector will be present for the fourth time at the Viva Technology 2022 event on June 15 and 16, within the Orange Innovation Lab. We are proud to have been selected by Orange, one of the event’s partners for the second time.

With more than 26,000 participants in person, 114,000 online, 8,000 startups and 149 countries represented, Viva Technology is the unmissable digital innovation event for startups and investors. The Orange Lab is part of the event’s DNA. It is a place of exchange, innovation and meetings between industries and startups.

After the 2018 edition, an opportunity for us is to present our digital services sobriety solution and its benefits in terms of performance, user experience, and reduction of environmental impact. We will also present our Digital Sobriety Certificate. The Digital Sobriety Certificate allows you to verify, evaluate and certify the sobriety of your applications and websites.

Thierry LEBOUCQ, President of Greenspector: “After winning the Orange Award at the Mobile World Congress 2018, it is a source of pride to be once again chosen by Orange to represent the energy efficiency dimension of digital services during this 2022 edition of VivaTechnology. Several collaborations have allowed teams to work together on digital projects. Collaboration in R&D made it possible in particular to describe a methodological guide on the Life Cycle Analysis of software (ECOLOG project) based on a use case in a smart home context. Since then, our partnership work has focused on mobile and web projects with high business value. Integrating the control and improvement of resource consumption into projects becomes a competitive advantage for Orange. And by integrating this dimension and Greenspector into its methodology,… Orange is going Green”

Meet us on-site at booth J11, from Wednesday 15 to Thursday 16 June. We will answer all your questions. Contact us now to schedule an appointment. Are you a partner of the event and want to assess the environmental footprint of your digital service? Contact us.

Greenspector is selected for the 3rd consecutive year at the ChangeNOW event on May 19-21, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We are proud to have been selected for the third consecutive year by the organization to participate and exhibit at ChangeNOW.

With more than 1,000 solutions, 400 speakers, 120 countries and 800 investors, ChangeNOW is the unmissable event and the biggest global event for the planet. An opportunity for us to present our sobriety solution for digital services and its benefits in terms of performance, user experience and reduction of environmental impact. We will also present our Digital Sobriety Certificate. The Digital Sobriety Certificate allows you to verify, evaluate and certify the sobriety of your applications and websites.

On this occasion, we are pleased to partner with Treebal. They will testify on the support for the eco-design of its mobile application by Greenspector, on our stand on Friday 20th at 2 pm. We will answer the question together: How did Treebal assess the environmental impact of its eco-responsible messaging application with Greenspector?

Find us on site in the “Accelerate the Ecosystem” area from May 19 to 21 at the Grand Palais Éphémère in Paris. We will answer all your questions. Do not hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment!

EcoAct and Greenspector support France Télévisions in the decarbonization of its new media NOWU

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Press release

Paris, January 25 2022 — EcoAct, an Atos company, and Greenspector, a member of Scaler, the Atos Accelerator, that supports startups in their international development and fosters customer innovation, have been chosen by France Télévisions to assess and optimize the carbon impact of the website of its new media NOWU.

This digital editorial offering aimed at 15–25-year-olds was designed with energy efficiency in mind, with a low-carbon strategy and the integration of eco-design principles.

By combining their expertise, the two partners supported the eco-design and production of this public digital media, thanks to EcoAct’s 15-year strong experience and consultancy expertise in decarbonization strategy, and to the expertise and measurement solution from Greenspector, specialist in reducing the environmental impact of digital applications.

Carbon impact considered from the beginning of the project

To ensure the optimization and reduction of its carbon impact, EcoAct and Greenspector established a benchmark of best practices in low-carbon media and then calculated the carbon footprint of the project. At the launch of the project, the media’s carbon footprint was estimated at 74 tons of CO2 equivalent (this is, for example, 37 round trips from Paris to New York) and will be monitored over time as the service develops. Greenspector also studied the level of eco-responsibility of the media site, thanks to Greenspector’s digital sobriety certificate. NOWU was the first media to achieve a good result: an eco-score of 61/100, which corresponds to the bronze level.

Long term support

Thanks to these initial in-depth analyses, EcoAct and Greenspector were able to identify reduction levers for both the creation of the platform and its use, in addition to awareness-raising and training activities, combined in a concrete action plan with an ambition which was consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

“Eco-design was integrated from the very conception of the NOWU website. Right from the start, the digital team implemented best practices, including energy and resource consumption simulations which were developed according to use cases as close as possible to user behavior to detect potential overconsumption on the website. Our partnership with EcoAct has allowed us to better project the carbon impact of the project to make NOWU a benchmark in green media by design.” Thierry Leboucq, President of Greenspector.

“EcoAct is delighted to have been able to contribute to the implementation of a decarbonization strategy for a media that aims to raise awareness of sustainable development issues among young people. And Greenspector, thanks to its expertise in digital, has been a real support in the development and deployment of this strategy.” Yann Josse, Senior Business Manager, Public Sector at EcoAct.

“France Télévisions is proud to respond to the need for strong commitment from the younger generation with its innovative NOWU medium, which proposes concrete solutions to act in favor of the Planet. Together with EcoAct and Greenspector, we have taken up the challenge of offering young Europeans the authentic experience of a more sober and eco-designed digital platform, which combines raising awareness of the issues they care about with reducing resources consumption and their own carbon impact.” Gautier CURTIL, Director of Offerings – NOWU, France Télévisions.

About d’EcoAct

EcoAct, an Atos company since October 2020, is an international sustainability consultancy and project developer that supports companies and organisations by providing the most efficient and holistic solutions to effectively meet the challenges of climate change. Founded in France in 2006 by Thierry Fornas and Gérald Maradan, EcoAct has offices in 7 countries and 3 continents across the world (Paris, London, New York, Barcelona, Montréal, Munich and Embu in Kenya).
With a team of more than 160 experts in decarbonisation strategy, EcoAct enables managers and their teams to transform their business model and reduce their carbon emissions while driving commercial performance. EcoAct’s core purpose is to inform and lead sustainable strategies that create value and benefit its clients as well as the climate, and the environment. EcoAct is a CDP Gold Partner, a founding member of ICROA, a strategic partner in the implementation of the Gold Standard for the Global Goals and reports to the UN Global Compact.

About Greenspector

Member of the Atos accelerator for startups – Scaler– Founded in 2010, Greenspector is a French pioneer in digital responsibility. Its technological innovations are made available to professionals via SaaS software tools and expert services. Those technologies help reduce mobile application and website environmental impact, improve performance, and enhance the user experience. Within the company’s software information, fleets of smartphones and connected objects, better purchased and better managed, see their lifespan extended, which reduces the cost of ownership and the environmental impact.

About NOWU

NOWU is a media created in September 2020 as part of the France Télévisions group. It is an interactive media that offers the younger generation of 15–25-year-olds the keys and tools to understand and take part in the fight against global warming. With an optimistic and guilt-free tone, NOWU’s content is divided into three main areas: content to ACT, content to BE INFORMED, and content to GET INSPIRED.

Press contacts :

Lorraine Brucker-Romac | | +33 (0)1 81 80 95 10
Léa Petit | | +33 (0)1 81 80 95 14 

Laura Fau | | +33 (0) 6 73 64 04 18