Description of the features of Greenspector Enterprise Solutions

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Features of Greenspector Studio

Our solution can be integrated into your design processes to manage energy and resource indicators in a continuous integration process.
Define and automate user paths via a dedicated language, the GDSL. Offer your teams a complete tool dedicated to sobriety and performance improvement of your digital services.

Benchmark Application

Evaluate in 1 click the performance and environmental impact of your Android application or website. No need to automate or instrument your applications.
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Functional pathway

The user’s path is realized on real devices and in a controlled environment. This path is written in GDSL language.
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Environmental impact analysis

Assess the environmental impact of your software solutions. Identify the most impactful phases via a simplified LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) with carbon, water and surface impact metrics.
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CI/CD Integration

Integrate Greenspector’s testing and measurement capabilities into your software factory. This allows you to integrate quality assurance on the environmental impact of your software from the development stage.
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Synthetic Environmental Impact Monitoring

Track the environmental impact of your application or website by simulating your software on real hardware.
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Measurement workshop

Benefit from advanced tools for a detailed analysis of resource consumption.
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Test Cloud

Access real devices in the cloud. The controlled environment provides smartphones and tablets to test your software in stable conditions.
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Benchmark Application

The benchmark allows to simply launch a measurement of a website or an application. These are automated “off-the-shelf” tests that will allow the measurement of digital services in different states. This way of measuring is similar to what many tools available on the web do. The specificity of our tools is that we go further by taking into account additional states (background…). We also perform real measurements (not on emulators or with projection formulas).

Software measurements in several states

The website or application will be launched, put in idle (measurement of resources during inactivity in the foreground), then in background (measurement of resources when the application or website is in the background).  We will also analyze the resources consumed during the scroll on the page or the application.


The measurement is performed on real devices (either on our devices in the cloud or on a local device).

Suggestions for improvement

For websites, prioritized recommendations for improvement are provided to improve the eco-score.

Recommendations for improvement

For each state of the software, various metrics allow a detailed analysis of the software behavior (Energy, Data, CPU, Android system metrics…)

Functional Pathway

Greenspector allows to automate a functional path with its high-level test description language.

Simple description language

The developer or tester writes the path with simple keywords (click, wait…) and the tests are then launched under the same conditions as the benchmark, on real devices.


An eco-score out of 100 is established to evaluate the journey in terms of sobriety.

Details on the stages of the course

A view and rating by test steps and metrics allows you to quickly identify software hotspots.

Extensive automation capability

The automation capabilities allow the software to be evaluated in different situations: Modification of parameters (brightness, activation of interfaces…), Choice of low-end devices, network selection…

Numerous metrics

For each state of the software, various metrics allow to analyze the fine behavior of the software (Energy, Data, CPU, Android system metrics…)

Local or test bench execution

The remote test bench can be used to run the tests. A local phone can also be used. This allows to accelerate the development or to make more advanced studies (connection for example of a telephone to a connected object)

Environmental Impact Analysis

Resource measurement via Benchmark or Functional Pathway provides technical metrics such as energy or data. Greenspector has developed a methodology to project the environmental impact from the measured data.

Precise methodology

This methodology, associated with real measurements of a route, allows to obtain a reliable projection of the impact. The calculation methods presented by different actors of digital sobriety lack accuracy and reliability.  The user is therefore led to use tools that poorly evaluate the impact of their solutions. You therefore take the risk of having your teams work on axes that have no real impact on the environment.

ICV Help

This projection can be used directly in LCA. Indeed, it participates in the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) by providing an accurate impact of the user part with error margins. This greatly improves the reliability of LCAs that are usually based on macro projections (e.g. average energy consumption of a smartphone and not the actual consumption of the evaluated application).

Callable model via API

The model integration is callable via API and allows for advanced use or integration with other tools.

CO2, earth, water metrics

The model integrates several impact metrics to perform multi-criteria analyses.

Continuous Integration

The tools described above can be used to evaluate software at a given time but can also be used continuously.

Greenspector tools are easily integrated into software factories via our command line tools. This makes it possible to launch benchmark or functional tests according to the development process.


The launch of the measurements as well as the retrieval of the data is done by calling the Greenspector APIs.

Integration in all software factories

The CLI and API modes allow integration with most software factories on the market.

Continuous Measuring

The interest is to provide development teams with metrics directly related to their work. For example, as soon as a library is integrated, you will be able to identify its impact.

Synthetic Environmental Impact Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring is widely used in software teams to track the performance of websites (via tools such as Speed Curve). The capabilities of Greenspector tools allow this same approach with the addition of environmental KPIs.

Continuous monitoring

This way, it is possible to monitor the environmental impact of a website or an application in production. The team keeps the consumption of their solution under control. Many elements can impact the sobriety and the performance: production launch but also content that can change the integration of third party services…

Monitoring via functional tests or benchmarks

This monitoring can be done either via the benchmark or via the functional path.

Measurement workshop

Greenspector’s tools and interfaces offer an analysis capability that allows for a detailed view of the impact. Coupled with the automation capability, quick benchmarks can be performed to evaluate a framework or an implementation choice.


Within this framework, the user can compare the versions, display the evolution curves of the metrics, analyze the correlation between metrics…

Detailed behavior

Measuring system metrics such as Android data helps to understand sources of overconsumption.

Measure management

The measurement shop offers measurement management capabilities that reduce analysis time and avoid errors. Erroneous measurements can be avoided.

Power Test Cloud

It’s not always easy to have devices available. Greenspector provides real devices in the cloud. The use of Greenspector features (Benchmark, functional test…) is possible via this Power Test cloud.

Real Devices

The devices are managed to provide reliable and stable measurements.

Controllable testing environment

It is possible to configure the device in different states (Brightness, GSM connection …) which allows to perform advanced measurement campaigns.

Can be integrated into a software factory

All Power Test Cloud devices are controllable via API or CLI in your software factory.