GREENSPECTOR and SopraSteria are now partners for quality mobile applications
The Sopra Steria consultants, trained to use the GREENSPECTOR tool, are now certified to intervene with the clients of the publisher of Nantes to provide their technical and methodological expertise.

Six new consultants will be able to install, support and provide advice on the measure of energy consumption-resources of mobile projects. Beyond this reinforcement on our new deployment projects, SopraSteria is committed to integrating and proposing new indicators to pilot / test their future applications / mobile sites.
For Nicolas POIRIER, Mobile Testing Expert: At Sopra Steria and more specifically in our Factories Interaction (factories software made up of new technology experts), we are convinced that our mobile developments can contribute to the protection of the planet. The power consumption of software is changing rapidly, we decided now to change the order of things! By “eco-designing” our applications, by “eco-testing” our achievements, we are actors of this change. It is to the company GREENSPECTOR that SopraSteria entrusted the rise in skills of our experts. By training six of our employees in tooling, GREENSPECTOR began supporting this positive impact approach. Our key account customers, especially in energy, now trust us to experiment with these new approaches. The subject is launched and the teams are proud to participate! From now on, eco-design, eco-test!

About Sopra Steria:
Digital agency specialized in the creation of new customized interfaces.
Expert in User First! Our commitment, to think the users’ paths above all Mobile!
Website : | Twitter : @SopraSteria_fr
GREENSPECTOR is the publisher of the first solution dedicated to the energy efficiency of mobile and IoT applications.
Website : | Twitter : @green_spector