How to get the Greenspector Digital Sobriety Certificate?
How to get the Greenspector Digital Sobriety Certificate?
What is the Greenspector Digital Sobriety Certificate?

The Greenspector certification is based on the analysis of 3 complementary criteria for an eco-responsible application or a website:
Each of these three areas is scored out of 100. The average of the three gives the eco score.
What is at stake?
If digital can be a lever for the environmental transition, it is also part of the problem. Digital currently accounts for 4% of global emissions and is rapidly growing (+6%/year). It is estimated that by 2025, the GHGs produced by digital technology will reach the level of automobile traffic.
The environmental impact of IT is far from insignificant. In the upstream and downstream phases of an equipment’s life cycle, water, soil, and atmospheric pollution occur, as do greenhouse gas emissions.
A mobile application or a website contributes to these environmental impacts through various aspects, from the seemingly innocuous gesture of the user on its smartphone to the service provider’s data centres and network equipment.

Why act now?

How does it work?
How is this eco score established?
Greenspector and its laboratories in Nantes established this rating based on measurements carried out on real devices.
A typical user journey in the app or website is first automated. It is then executed several times on a test bench composed of Android or iOS devices. In every stage of the user journey, technical metrics are collected: battery consumption, CPU and memory usage, data consumption, etc. These metrics are then consolidated and used to assess the application’s performance. The metrics are then combined and analyzed to highlight the ‘sober and fast’ stages (which are the most well-rated) and those that are slower and more greedy in terms of resources (which are less well-rated).
In addition to the overall eco score, this audit also allows our technical teams to identify areas for improvement to provide you with an even smoother experience in future versions.

Make your digital sobriety approach visible
Showcase your active approach to digital sobriety by including the certification badge. It is associated with a page detailing the conditions for measuring your solution.

How to obtain the Greenspector Digital Sobriety Certificate?
You can contact our team to assess the environmental impact of your application or website and receive a Digital Sobriety Certificate attesting to the green design of your digital service.