Décathlon – Fleet Scan

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Success story

Décathlon – Fleet Scan


Operational performance

Quality Service

Identify the causes of slowness, to invest in the right subject

The proper functioning of a mobile IS is based on many factors: mobile terminal, business applications, back-end services, network infrastructure, etc. It is often difficult to know where a problem found in the field comes from.

  • The terminal must be adapted to the requirements of the trade, both fast and enduring.
  • A good business application should be as little dependent on the network connection as possible, and in general, efficient on terminal resources. A good business application should be as little dependent on the network connection as possible, and in a way general, saving the terminal’s resources.


  • Comparison of 2 generations of Wi-Fi networks
  • Performance comparison of 3 Android smartphones
  • Performance and efficiency diagnosis of the main business applications
  • Identification of the main cause of slowness


Realization of a “Fleet Diag” campaign crossing:

3 smartphone models

2 stores with separate Wi-Fi architectures

2 critical business applications

About the GREENSPECTOR offer

Fleet Scan

360 ° diagnosis of your business solution

  • We define together the scope of analysis (applications, device models, network conditions, etc.)
  • Our consultants prepare automated tests on your users’ business paths and run them under conditions representative of your situation on-site or in the lab
  • We present to you our measurement report, the malfunction findings, and our associated recommendations
