Discover “Melon”, the 2.2.0 version of GREENSPECTOR!
The GREENSPECTOR team gladly announces its newest release is ready : version 2.2.0 Melon! Details on improvements below.
With this release, you specify which autonomy of the smartphone you want for the user scenario, Greenspector takes care of the rest. The algorithm allocates energy budgets to each feature of your applications and tells you whether it respects or not the strategy. Based on the actual measurements you have made with Greenspector, the algorithm allows you to project a target autonomy and see if it will be reached. Interesting to detect as soon as possible an application that consumes too much and prevent a bug raising by users. Warning, this functionality is in beta test only on certain Greenspector instances (You can request access to enter beta test)
With this release, Greenspector create two distincts products. (Core Server and Test Bench Server). Each has its own version number. Before v2.2.0, Core Server and Test Bench Server are the same product and have the same version number. After v2.2.0, Core Server keep the version number v2.2.0 and the Test Bench Server take the version number v1.0.0
Read the full Release Note on App.Greenspector

Digital Sobriety Expert
Books author «Green Patterns», «Green IT – Gérer la consommation d’énergie de vos systèmes informatiques», …
Speaker (VOXXED Luxembourg, EGG Berlin, ICT4S Stockholm, …)
Green Code Lab Founder, ecodesign software national association